Leading Your Team With Improved Communication Tactics


Have you ever struggled talking through a work meeting? Or, have you ever ran circles around a project due to inefficient emails? Has communication at the workplace been so confusing you’re not even sure you’re qualified anymore? Humans must communicate; there is no way around it. Whether personally, or for business, communication is a constant part of everyday life. Facilitating a work environment with effective, efficient, and clear communication tactics starts from the top down, and makes all the difference in maximizing the potential of business operations, and the employees making those possible.

Communication Training

Training employees with exemplary communication principles is one of the initial ways team leaders can improve workplace communication overall. Accomplish this through various formats of training such as online tutorials, hired specialists, or professional seminars welcoming fleets of employees seeking improved skills. Pending budget, formats, and team learning style, choose an option that best fits your situation. Communication training services range anywhere from free, to thousands of dollars per employee, so choose accordingly. Using the most effective tools, team leaders should quickly notice subtle improvements in communicating both internally and externally.

Communication Software

There’s a voluminous amount of new tech software available for modern communication practices in all forms. SnapChat, Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram are just a few applications capable of hosting personal video chats, group video chats, text messages, and pictures in one easy location for any general purpose. Online collaboration tools such as Jira, Trello, and Slack are aimed specifically at businesses for tracking projects, keeping continuous evolving communication in one place, and making notes for adjustments with peer to peer critique. These programs also allow intertwined pictures, video, and text for clarity of project completion. Additionally, other types of web-based programs such as WebEX, allow for screen sharing, so virtual presentations are visually seamless for everyone in “attendance.” Long strings of email threads discussing an ever-evolving project is inefficient, messy, and should be phased out at as early as possible.

The Importance of Hardware in Communication

As many communicative advancements exist in technological software, none of these would be possible without the accompanying advancements in hardware. The evolution of computers from desktops to laptops, laptops to tablets, and tablets to mobile devices has forever changed the bounds of communication. Unlike past generations, humans can be accessed at all times using modern mobile hardware, especially since mobile networks like 3G and 4G have gained prominence using faster, more reliable connections. This has helped open the economy to more remote jobs, but also makes the reliance on software, hardware, and networks greater than ever.

Networks for Improved Communication

5G technology is the next wave of advancement, enhancing both hardware and software using a superior mobile network. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, 1G and 2G provided mobile networks with analog, and then digital voice. In the early 2000s 3G began providing mobile data. In 2010, 4G networks revolutionized what has currently become known as modern mobile internet. Higher mobile speeds up to 20 gigabytes per second, lower latency, and higher capacity to handle 100 times the traffic are just a few of the benefits 5G has over current 4G networks. Mobile reliability will reach an all-time high. 5G technology hasn’t been fully realized as of yet, but by 2035, it is estimated to generate up to 12 trillion dollars of goods and services, and up to 22 million new jobs. Using 5G technology going forward will allow reliable interconnectivity with your team formerly unimagined.

Communication is a multi-faceted process that will require dedication to improve. Identify areas of weakness, inefficiency, and where poor communication affects profits and/or satisfaction with employees and clientele. Using the best networks available such as 5G, and appropriately updating software/hardware will allow you to better control technical variables present in mobile or remote communications, and keep your business competitive when attempting to acquire top talent in a largely mobilized future. Implementing up-to-date training and technology will assure your team the best opportunity of realizing its full potential.