5 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Civil Services


People working in the private sector might not consider working for the government. Several misconceptions surround government jobs, from being labeled secretive to government servants disregarding the public and fixed working hours. 

However, government jobs are far more different than what we believe. In terms of occupational roles, the public sector, similar to the private, offers several opportunities. Government agencies employ civil servants in various roles, from graphic design to software development and engineering, 

Besides job opportunities, working for the public sector has several legal and financial benefits. However, before we discuss the benefits in detail, let’s have a look at the roles and responsibilities of a civil servant. 

When working as a civil servant, you are primarily concerned with regulating government institutions that provide public service and help improve the lives of citizens and communities. Civil service offers diverse roles depending on the specific department and agency. These roles can include but aren’t limited to collecting and processing taxes, upholding the law, and overseeing the criminal system. 

Every department has different criteria regarding employment. Besides certain requirements, an individual should also have some skills to become a qualified civil servant. Teamwork, strong communication, organizational skills, and efficient decision-making are a few must-have skills. 

A civil servant serves every class of society, allowing them to work in every field and helping the community prosper as one. 

If you’re a civic minded individual who aspires to impact the surrounding, there are several government careers to consider. From implementing government policies to maintaining law and order in the country, pursuing any role helps bring positive societal change.     

While we have highlighted the importance of civil servants, here are a few reasons why other than serving the public, you should pursue a career in civil services. 

Job Security

Government sector jobs offer substantially higher job security than private organizations. Working in the private sector comes with many risks, from downsizing to complete shutdown. Having job security is crucial, especially during challenging economic times. 

Unlike the private sector, the likelihood of public institutions closing down is rare. With time government organizations either remain stable or adopt new forms. 

Even if circumstances arise to dismiss an employee, they are given an opportunity to defend themselves. 

Retaining employees and valuing those working in the field for a long time is a priority in the government setup. What distinguishes public sector jobs from private ones is the fact that there is no salary deduction even if an employee performs poorly. As a result, such practices instill a sense of loyalty towards work and the organization in the workers.

Professional Growth

Many believe that professional growth in the private sector is entirely based on an individual’s performance or years of experience in the field. The same is not true for government jobs. The public sector opens doors for employees to advance their careers in several ways. 

For instance, those who want to establish a successful career being a police offer can start by being a rookie. From here on, rookies work their way up to the ranks from detective to captain and in the end police chief. 

Similarly, if your interest lies in the IT department, then by gaining experience in the digital space, you can choose to work in the cybercrime unit. Aside from career options, civil servants are awarded promotions based on their effort and overall performance. 

Paid Leaves

In private firms, the newly hired employee is eligible for paid leave only after working for a certain number of months. However, in government jobs, you can avail of casual, medical and annual leaves at any time at your department head’s discretion.

Federal employees are eligible to have 13 days of sick leaves annually, beside maternal and paternal leaves. Similarly, workers are eligible to earn 13 vacation leaves during the first three years. The number of vacation leaves gradually reaches 26 days with 15 or more years of federal service. 

Unlike the private companies that limit the amount of paid leaves an employee is eligible for, it is less of a concern for civil servants. 

Besides sick or vacation leaves, civil servants are also eligible for special leaves. These include harsh weather conditions, special elections falling on a scheduled work day, or civil service exams. 

Work-Life Balance

Finding and sustaining a good work-life balance is difficult in an occupation. Nowadays, the common workplace culture, especially in private corporations, is to work more than 40 hours per week. If not done, employees can expect to sit on the sidelines and watch career advancement opportunities pass by. 

In comparison, government employees do not suffer such a fate; instead, they have the freedom to create and enjoy work-life balance. While maintaining a work-life balance improves an individual’s well-being, it also maximizes an organization’s performance. 

The flexible working hours, telework, and remote working options due to the recent global health crisis create a laid-back environment allowing employees to relax and perform better. The work culture in the government isn’t cutthroat or requires employees to spend time on tasks outside of working hours. 

Federal government employees relatively experience fewer challenges when allocating only a certain number of hours to the job.  

Retirement Benefits

The government offers a comprehensive retirement package called the Federal Employees Retirement System to its employees. The system is further subdivided into basic benefits, thrift savings, and social security plans.  

Age and duration of service are the eligibility criteria for receiving benefits from the basic benefit plan. Only those are allowed to receive the benefits who fall under the category of retired, survivor, or disabled. Employees can reap retirement benefits from the basic benefit plan if they have five years of experience in the federal service. 

The thrift saving plan offers benefits similar to a private organization’s traditional 401(k) plan. The employees have numerous advantages as a part of the thrift savings plan. Benefits include saving a part of income for retirement, reduced taxes, and receiving similar agency contributions. With low-interest rates on the TRS loans, rest assured using the account for emergencies has minimal impact on your holdings. 

Retired, disabled, and unemployed receive partial replacement income as a part of the social security plan. However, to acquire benefits, employees must pay taxes and earn social security credits. 


Government jobs are not high on everyone’s list of goals because of numerous myths surrounding them. Well, everything you hear is certainly not true. The work dynamics in the public sector compared to the private is different than what you often hear. 

From flexible working hours to paid leaves and professional growth, the perks of working in a government organization outnumber the advantages of private firms. Besides changing the community for the better, the benefits civil servants receive also change the course of their lives.