How to Give a Great Presentation at College or University


Education at college or university assumes the assignments of different categories and difficulty levels. One of those assignments is your own presentation on a specific topic, created in PowerPoint. But making a professional presentation is not an easy task to do. Even if the research is perfectly done, it won’t look great if being presented in a wrong way.

Today, we’re going to reveal a couple of useful secrets on how to empower your presentation to make it look and sound better. If there is “no time to explain” because the assignment is due for today or tomorrow, it is a good idea to check professional Powerpoint presentation services which are highly popular among students of all ages.

und Like a Pro

Any sort of presentation, no matter what subject or topic it is, requires a certain set of skills and techniques to implement in practice. The recommendations we’re going to talk about will make your presentation a lot better. Believe us, there are a lot of things you should be doing to polish your assignment to a higher level of quality. So, let’s get started.

How to make your presentation interesting enough and not boring, to avoid a situation when everyone in the room is literally falling asleep? How to hold the interest and captivate the listeners?

  • Your slides are as important as the way you present information. Even having such a tool as PowerPoint, students often create very boring and plain slides, which almost make people fall asleep. The main problem is that most slides are build in the same way. Take a random PowerPoint presentation and compare it to others. Probably all of them will contain the same bullet points, the same lists, and people are probably will read the presentation from the top, revealing the same content the presentation itself has. Things like this are very common at colleges, universities, and even companies. The presenters give the numbers and facts instead of the content and story behind it. So, tip number one is to avoid a «typical presentation» style.
  • Know what you’re talking about. Many students rely on their presentations as the guideline. Don’t do it. Your presentation should be a supportive element instead of something you read out loud as a complete story. Your slides should be the triggers for your brain to recall the information you want to tell the audience.
  • Define a correct slide size. Depending on what conference or event you have, you should define the right size for your slides. Bigger room requires bigger slides. This should be taken into account before building the whole presentation.
  • Don’t use boring templates, which are already included in the program. Students do it all the time. Instead, download some other pictures from the Internet. But don’t make a collage of those images, trying to fit them on one slide. Stay formal and professional.
  • Use traditional fonts. Keep it simple without trying to distract the listeners with too big or too small font. Fancy font is rarely appropriate and doesn’t look good in PowerPoint, especially if you have a lot of text and a smaller screen. In this case, your slides may look like a mess.
  • Too many words and sentences on a single slide is probably the most common mistake all beginners make. Never try to fit all information you’re talking about in the slides. Note just a couple (2-3) of sentences of crucial information, which will trigger your mind to recall the rest of the content. Too much info with 10-12 bullet points on a slide is a bad idea.
  • Don’t use all the colors at once. Pick a color scheme and stick to it.
  • To nail a presentation, use a story to make the audience interested. It shouldn’t be something academic, but something related to your topic and interesting, to get people engaged.
  • college

Hopefully, our article will help you to make your own presentation a memorable one, impressing all the people you’re going to give it to, standing out from all other speakers out there.