Interesting Facts Why Starbucks is a Great Company


A friend asks you to grab a coffee and chill. What is the first thing that comes into your mind? Of course, Starbucks. Starbucks has made a permanent mark on most of the general population worldwide. It has been marked in our hearts and minds for decades and never cannot satisfy our cravings with a touch of decent class. 

Some claim that Starbucks is overrated and is too expensive. Technically, the quality and freshness of the products they make are world-class and top-caliber, which explains their elevated prices compared to other coffee shops. Also, the brand you are paying for is not the usual; Starbucks is Starbucks. 

How much do we know about this gigantic enterprise? Starbucks started in the early 1970s and has continually grown global over the past decades. Although it was not an easy road for them, their aggressiveness took them to higher heights. We are going to tackle facts about the world-famous coffee enterprise, Starbucks.  

Important Facts

Before discussing Starbucks facts, it is good to know a little about its background. Starbucks is an American company founded at Pike Place Market in Seattle, Washington State, by Gordon Bowker, Zev Seigl, and Jerry Baldwin. It started in 1971 and was sold to Howard Schultz around the 1980s. The name “Starbucks” was inspired by the classic novel of Moby Dick. 

Schultz decided to transform the coffee shop to serving espresso-based drinks after his venture to Milan, Italy. They also had declined when they penetrated the market of  Midwest and British Columbia. Although it did experience failure in sales during the 1980s, Starbucks was able to flourish in the food industry when it began in California. 

As of 2018, Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse chain globally, with 28,128 locations and has over 291,000 employees worldwide. It operates in over 77 countries and has a revenue of $24.71 billion. They are also very well-known for being a responsible and charitable company. 

Starbucks Has More Than 1,600 LEED-Certified Stores

LEED certification guarantees that you are an environment-friendly establishment and benefit the people, the planet, and profit. Starbucks has cafes with these certifications in twenty countries and continues to provide recyclable materials with lesser use of energy, resulting in more efficient power management. 

Nowadays, some customers complain about receiving non-plastic and recyclable materials, since they are used to other food chains with plastic cups and straws. The sole purpose of these eco-friendly mugs and tumblers is to continue to develop our world into a better, greener place. 

Starbucks Employee’s Apron Colors Have Different Meanings

You probably think some Starbucks baristas are wearing different colors depending on their taste and depending on what’s available. No, these colors are like the belts we see on students studying martial arts. If you are a technical coffee enthusiast, then you might want to ask those guys wearing the black apron. 

The black apron baristas are called “coffee masters,” for they have completed a higher degree of training and have extensive coffee knowledge. The green apron baristas are the newbies who have finished the minimum training requirement. Still, they are all above standard for the quality of service. 

Starbucks Baristas Can Grind Your Coffee Beans For Free

Talk about stocks’ freshness? Starbucks baristas can grind your coffee beans upon request. After purchasing a fresh bag of coffee beans, they can provide free grinding services. As long as your bag is still securely sealed and unopened, you’re good to go. This also helps in preserving the freshness of your coffee beans and the sanitation of their machinery. 

Starbucks Sells Reusable Straws

If you have observed and researched on how plastic straws deteriorate and hurt our animals and the environment, you might never use plastic straws ever again. As an environment-friendly company, they are stopping the usage of plastic straws in all of their stores by the end of 2020. They have also released branded reusable straws. 

Starbucks Donates Their Old Food

Starbucks has started its food donation program since 2016. Not only that, they are environment-friendly but also very charitable. To avoid wastage, they donate their unsold food to the less fortunate. They already donated about 5 million meals to families in desperate need in their first year of launch. 

Starbucks Has a Secret Menu

Of course, it’s a secret, so you probably didn’t know about it. Starbucks fans are given the liberty to send requests for their preferred combinations and are catered in the secret menu.  This secret menu is composed of various drink combinations in the form of frappuccino. The secret menu is extensive as it also includes Banana Split, Oreo Overload, Cotton Candy, and Butter Beer. 


The world-class coffeehouse, Starbucks, has been in the industry for quite a long time. It provided the best quality products and helped a lot by utilizing green practices and feeding who are those in need.