How to Design Your Home office Room to Scale on A Graph Paper


Whenever you design, furnish or plan an area in your room, a scale system can be exceptionally valuable. As such, since a graph paper is made of its inherent grid system, it is a crucial tool that can assist you in fabricating a scale system for designing your room. By leveraging on your room’s actual measurements and your graph’s grid, you will be able to generate a scale system for every part of the room you are designing.

Drawing an incomplete draft on paper helps design a room arrangement. However, taking your time to design home office room to scale usually deserves your effort. Floor plans that are drawn to scale help the design process of your room. They assist you in envisaging things, including the perfect furniture layout for your room.

Here are a few steps to follow when designing your room on graph paper:

  • Take the measurements of the circumference of the room you want to furnish. Measure the precise length and the width of the room, and ensure you incorporate any cabinets or any extensions of the room.
  • Using tape, band together with several pieces of graph papers; this depends on how big your room is, and if it is bigger, you may require more sheets to complete the design of your room.
  • Choose a “scale key” for the graph document. The scale may differ depending on the room or project because of the difference in its size. Tiny spaces are suitable for small numbers, whereas bigger spaces require larger numbers. Designate a single number to be the number of square inches for every square of graph space. For instance, you can determine the scale for a bigger space to be 20 inches per square, whereas a tiny space requires 10 inches per square. By having such a scale, you will maintain your room and its items proportional to each other.
  • Sketch the circumference of the space on the graph, keeping in mind the scale you established earlier. For example, if space is 200 inches in length and you allocated a scale of 20 inches per square, you need to sketch a room of 10 squares in length.
  • Take measurements of the walls. Consider any openings, such as windows on your room’s walls. Ensure you use the same scale as that of the floor when mapping each space on the graph. When dealing with areas such as the kitchen or bathroom, ensure you incorporate sinks or cubicles.
  • Take measurements of your furniture or the furniture you plan to buy. Draw them to scale on another sheet of the graph and slash them off. Use tape and band their edges to keep them intact.
  • Position your scale furniture on the scale system of the spaces. Feel free to rearrange them as you find the perfect arrangement in your room.
  • Design features such as the room’s wall tile by sketching the decorations to scale on the graph paper’s wall outlines. Indicate where lights are located on your room’s roof and identify their location on the floor design.