How to Turn Dreams into Reality Hacks


This works for all businesses! If you’re in marketing, consulting or coaching, this applies even more to your field! 

Your obsessions become your possessions!” Unknown 

Get All of Your Senses Involved in Your Dreams Hack  Alex Dee Coaching – Your mind gravitates to what is familiar! A while back, we had done really good in business and I asked some of my friends where would be a great place to celebrate. They all mentioned the Montage hotel at Laguna beach. At the time, I was single, and I’ll never forget the weekend in this town. It was like paradise. It looked like a European city right next to the beach. The people were successful but not pretentious. They lived the lifestyle and were about enjoying life vs. just making money. I remember I told myself that I don’t know how, but one day I’m going to live here. 

Sure enough, a few years later, when I was dating Azy, we moved to Laguna. I remember we got a small apartment on top of the hill. It wasn’t much but it was more about being there with her. And every weekend, we would go look at open houses, see the city, meet the people, go to the beach, and visit the 5-star resorts and enjoy the spectacular views. The key was, I got all my senses involved. From seeing the places, smelling the ocean and the fresh cut grass on the golf course, to feeling the ocean air against our faces when we drove, to hearing the peace and quiet of the neighborhoods. Later on, when we wanted to get married, we rented a nice mansion to live in with a big back yard so we could have our wedding there. It was beautiful and probably seeing Azy’s smile and spending that day with all our friends and family is one of the most memorable and happiest days of my life. 

The point here is I got all my senses involved to a point I started tricking my mind into believing that I belong there! 

So, once I got a little bit more money, as in, I moved into a two-bedroom apartment just so we can be there and get my mind more familiar with the belonging there! In the meantime, every Sunday, we would go look at open houses and see what was available, and again I can trick my mind into believing that we belong there! 

Because we did all these things every week, from open houses to visiting the resort, it became familiar to my mind! 

The best Way to implement this hack is to get all of your senses involved with touching your dream, touch, taste, smell, and hearing, all of them! The more you do it, the more familiar it becomes, and a part of your brain tricks it into believing this is who you are! 

Then it becomes to where you can do that full-time someday! It moves from you touching your dreams, to making it a full-time reality! 

Quiet, Listen, and See Hack – Tim Storey – How to discover what your dreams are – There are three steps when it comes to listening to find out what your dreams are so you can pursue them! The first one is quiet! Second one is hearing and the third one is Seeing. Start with a place where it’s quiet so you can be able to get what it is that you truly want! This is the first place to start, so it’s quiet enough where you start being able to hear. Your dream has a voice and if you listen, you’ll hear it and you’ll know this is what you were made to do!

I started hearing voices that said Tim, you were made to make movies, to be a coach, and It wasn’t until I started being quiet and hearing that I knew what path I needed to go. From then it comes to seeing, which is where the visualization will take me. So, it’s important to get quiet, go inward, and let the vision speak. Then visualize and see outwards and make that dream into reality! The visualizations that should only come after you’ve been quiet, and you listen to let your dreams speak to you. Then you can focus outward and make it happen! 

Destiny Hack – Kris V – How to find your destiny – Your destiny is in your people. It’s only when we find our people that we can fulfill our purposes. The truth is, our purpose lies in our people! 

In a way that’s hard to explain; Jesus was forming in me and I was coming alive inside. My vision grew out of the people I was called to be in community with. 

We are the body of Christ. If I am the finger, I need to connect with a hand. If I’m an eye, I need to find the place in the head. I simply can’t find the ultimate destiny without my God-given place in the body. Ruth stays with Naomi. Ends up marrying Boaz and becoming grandfather to David. She stayed because Ruth was her people and who she was meant to serve! So, it’s an understatement to say that finding our people and living in covenant has eternal consequences. Before Saul could change into another man, he had to meet the prophet before becoming the King of Israel. Why? It was so he could change into the man he needed to be. Saul had to meet his people so he could fulfill his destiny. So, the question to ask yourself is who are you hanging with? Show me your friends and I’ll show you your destiny. 

And in the book Good to Great, Jim Collins said that in order to build a company that will last, you will have to get an organization with the right people to make sure you have the great success! Surround yourself with the people you want to associate with and serve and you’ll be able to discover your destiny! 

How to Generate Luck Hack – Qi Lu – former VP of Microsoft – Luck is kind of like a bus coming down to your corner every single day. You may not have the right fare or preparedness the first time, but that doesn’t mean it won’t come again, and next time when you’re prepared you can catch that ride! But It will keep coming back and back again until you have the right fare and right schedule!