Your Guide to Motivating Employees at Work


Boosting employee motivation is a challenging endeavor to take on, particularly if you have to manage a large team of individuals. Companies are trying to look for innovative methods that keep the work environment healthy with the intent to increase talent retention and maintain a healthy workplace.

If you feel like your workplace’s status quo could be much better, why not rethink your employee motivation strategy? The steps in this article should give you plenty to think about. And if you find a particular suggestion to be valuable, implement it.

Step #1 – Introduce Effective Appraisal Methods

A lack of feedback may leave employees unmotivated. At the very best, they may settle down and stick to a regular routine, but not everyone feels that way. Some workers want to advance in their careers, and it is easy to start looking for another place of employment when the current one fails to meet expectations. 

A solid appraisal methodology offers more than just insights into how employees perform as individuals and as a group. They also enhance productivity and unite the workforce with the company’s vision.

According to Ahoyteam, there are 5 performance appraisal methods that stand out, and a business should try as many as it can until it finds one that works. 

Be it yearly or quarterly, having an appraisal method present in the work environment will encourage employees to respond to criticism. It will also help them find their place within a company and move forward without losing sight of their primary objective, be it new career opportunities or a salary increase.

Step #2 – Set Small Goals

The goals you set out for the employees do not have to be grand. Some projects tend to drag for months or years, so reaching even an insignificant milestone could feel like an achievement.

Once you cross something off the list, it becomes easier to move forward, especially if the next item is not that far away. It is a real motivation booster and one that helps teams remain on track.

Step #3 – Celebrate Achievements

Having smaller milestones means more opportunities to celebrate results. The hard work needs a reward, and this reward can come in many different forms.

A simple compliment on how someone did a good job can be the difference-maker between a productive week and barely making deadlines. The higher-ups should take such chances and applaud the success of their employees.

Step #4 – Aim for Positive Outlook

People who seem happy all the time may seem ingenuine. While there is a place for negative emotions, workplaces should encourage positive environments. It is no secret that working under pressure is already difficult, and negativity makes it even a bigger challenge.

A positive experience is an advantage. The Harvard Business Review research indicates that happiness increases business productivity and sales by more than 30%. It turns out that happy and positive workers bring better results.

Step #5 – Schedule Regular Breaks

If the team is stuck on a problem without a way out, sitting in front of a computer and looking at a monitor, non-stop is not always the best approach. Taking some time to relax and rethink one’s strategy could be just the thing to do.

Regular breaks are necessary for more than motivation. If you are stuck in a chair all day, expect to encounter some health issues eventually. 

Step #6 – Preach Healthy Environment

Speaking of health, it is important to have proper policies for employees that need some time off when they are sick. If you force people to work when they are not feeling their best, it will cause bigger issues than just a lack of productivity. 

Not everyone has the patience to work when they are unwell. The frustration that builds up over time will backfire, and working instead of resting will prolong the sickness. 

Implement flexible and generous time-off policies. You may want to consider letting some workers spend more time at home. This way, they can sleep longer as there would be no need to commute to work in the morning.

Step #7 – Be Transparent

People who have trust issues are unlikely to remain in a company for a very long time. Trust is one of the foundations that companies should build themselves on. Show your employees that they can trust you, and they will return the favor by acting more motivated.

Step #8 – Offer a Sense of Security

If workers are unsure whether the company can provide for them in the long run, they will start having doubts. And doubts beget the desire to look elsewhere. When someone is searching for new potential employment, do not expect that their head will remain where it should when they are uncertain about their future.

In addition to paying salaries on time, the workplace should also have other perks. Even small rewards like various coupons or gym memberships could prove an excellent means to motivate employees.