The Life of a Freelance Writer

freelance writer

Irregular hours; writers’ block; a declining bank account. Lots of work; busy days (and nights); words and money flowing.

These two extremes comprise the life of a freelance writer. It really is one of peaks and valleys, great highs, and stress-inducing lows.

And adding to all of these peaks and valleys is the fact that a freelance writer is an entrepreneur – in business for him/herself – with all of the responsibilities that go along with running one’s own business.

So, How Does a Freelance Writer Get Some Financial Evenness?

A lot of writers, no matter what type of writing captures their real passion, look for some regular part-time work for a part of their income. Some have found this with writing services such as Gloss Essays. They can usually grab some writing assignments when times are lean.

Other writers begin their freelance entrepreneurship by keeping a regular job, either full or part-time – a position that gives them regular income and allows them to pursue their writing until they build up a clientele and reputation. Teaching is often a popular profession for writers, especially in fields of English and journalism. This has tended to keep them practiced in academic writing and makes them good candidates to if they want to pursue freelance academic writing, for companies such as

Sometimes, a freelance writer may have a spouse or partner on whose income s/he can rely while getting the business started. This is obviously a huge stress reliever and allows the writer to focus solely on building a reputation and clientele.

In a very few cases, freelance writers are independently well-off, and can afford to pump time and money into their businesses. This is the best of all worlds, obviously,
How Does a Freelance Writer Deal with Blocks?

Here’s the thing: anyone who writes for money will have deadlines, whether that is an individual client, a company like Gloss Essays, or an editor who must have the next section.

Unfortunately, deadlines put stress on a writer, and stress can lead to writing blocks. Writing blocks can lead to missed deadlines. And too many missed deadlines will kill a writing career faster than anything.

Writers have different ways of dealing with blocks, and what works for one will not work for another. Here, though, are the most common strategies that they use:

  1. They eat better. Dopamine is a natural stimulant that we manufacture internally. There a lot of junk foods and bad habit (e.g., caffeine and cigarettes) that will give us a short jolt of dopamine. Unfortunately, it is short-lived, and the downer that comes is even worse. Eating proteins and amino acids gives longer-term dopamine flow and will stimulate brain activity, especially on the right side where creativity resides.
  2. They move. They walk, run, workout or swim. This is especially important when a writer gets into a panic mode. A writer has accepted an assignment from There is a deadline and a student is waiting for his/her essay. Missing that deadline could mean a suspension from writing assignments at a time when the money is really necessary. And so, the panic sets in. Physically moving can “clear the head” and allow ideas to flow. Ideas turn into the written word.
  3. Stop focusing on the whole, and focus instead on the current part. Breaking a writing task down into smaller chunks can relieve the stress and panic. You only have to get the next section written right now.
  4. Write anything at all. Stop work on the project and just free write or write for fun. Write a silly letter to a friend; write an opinion piece on something you feel strongly about. This may be all it takes to get the juices flowing again.
  5. Talk it out with a friend. Writing can be a lonely profession, and if it’s only you struggling for words, it is even lonelier. Get into a conversation with a friend and you may get just the ideas you need to move forward.
  6. Do something unrelated and creative. Get an adult coloring book; draw, paint, put on music and dance, etc. This, too, will stimulate the right side of the brain.

How Does a Freelance Writer Deal with the Business End?

Running a business means that you have to market, you have to negotiate contracts with clients, you have to deal with irrational clients at times, and you have to maintain accurate records, particularly financial ones.

Marketing means you have a website, a blog and a strong social media presence. It means you ask current customers and clients for referrals and references. Fortunately, if you are good, your reputation will result in word-of-mouth advertising, and that will grow your business.

For the record-keeping, there is just one word – software. The right software will keep your “square” with what is owed you and what you owe in taxes at the end of the year. Companies like Gloss Essays will send you 1099 forms; clients will pay you, in cash, by check, or by some other means. All of these things must be recorded as income.

Likewise, you must keep track of your expenses – a new computer, the cost to maintain your home office, supplies, etc. These things you must record too – you get to deduct them from your income before you have to pay taxes.

There are now great, inexpensive software tools that perform most all business functions.

The Bottom Line

Successful freelance writers have two things in common. They have a passion for writing and want to do nothing else. They also have developed enough business sense to market themselves successfully and to please their clients.