Startup Business and Marketing Tips

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Startup Business and Marketing Tips

Most of the individuals are much interested in starting their own business, but in the majority of the cases, it remains as a dream though they have creativity, innovativeness, ideas, dreams, fantasies, and imaginations, here the factors which pull them back from implementing their ideas are severe competition and lack of financial resources. To overcome such barriers entrepreneurs have to think in a unique way by utilizing the power of intelligence and technology.

Internationalization brought many changes in the business operations and marketing goods and services. Continuous changes in the tastes and preferences of the customers, new innovations, rapid changes in market conditions, successful strategies of the competitors, resource scarcity, uncertainty, weaknesses of the internal environment and threats from the external environment are becoming major challenges to the small businesses. All these factors are becoming major barriers to the new business firms and more particularly for small business and these constraints are suppressing the ideas and thinking capability of the young entrepreneurs. To overcome all these barriers the only solution is thinking outside the box it can solve many problems effectively with low cost, efforts and with very simple techniques.

Be clear about startup business decisions

People have ideas, imaginations, and dreams about starting a new business but it is not possible to implement for all the people even though they have innovative business ideas. The main reason is overlapping more than one business thought due to the lack of clarity about what to start and what will give more benefits. The first and foremost thing is to identify the best among the various alternative business thoughts.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is the best tool to know strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. While taking the start up business decisions, a lot of questions arise due to lack of confidence. Identifying one’s own strengths and weakness and threats and opportunities from the external environment can act as a tool for predicting future for some extent. It can create self-confidence in taking right decisions.


Communicating start up ideas with the right people who have a positive attitude can help in strengthening the business ideas and in implementing ideas into reality. Sharing ideas with others can reduce the misinterpretations and fear of failures.


A simple survey can maximize the probability of success even in the very tough business situations and for new entrants. Before starting a business, conducting surveys regarding customer tastes and preferences, income levels, buying feasibility, past experience with various other products and their needs wants and demands can give a perfect picture to mold and start the business successfully.

Create groups

Gathering contacts and creating groups focusing on establishing a new business can maximize the customer rapport and increases the product familiarity in advance. Posting product features, advantages, and benefits can create interest in the minds of the customers and in turn, it helps in creating future loyal customers for the products which are getting ready to be launched.

Selfie campaign

Selfie campaigns are becoming more popular these days in promoting a business without spending a single penny. Adding prize components in order to encourage postings, sharing and tagging business in their posts can act as a motivator and creates interest in the customer groups in promoting business through word of mouth.

Personalized benefits

Customers are interested in making something their own, studies on customer behavior and perceptions have proven that personalized benefits would improve the product awareness and brand image. A simple benefit such as offering Coke, sample products, loyalty cards, etc, can grasp the customer’s attention towards the products

Special events

Introducing and promoting products by conducting special business events such as creating product awareness campaigns, conducting product related situational games, asking customers to try the new arrivals in a simple fashion show, etc can maximizes the customer’s excitement in sharing their experience with others, it doubles the product’s image and demand in the markets before launching.