7 Easy Steps to Find Work in Singapore


Singapore is a place where you can have lots of opportunities when you talk about your career. You might be troubled because of the fact that there are so many individual today who are  unemployed and the economy is in the advent of collapse. The good news is, regardless of the economic crisis, the real problem would not be the industry but the job mismatches. Therefore, if you are planning to get a job in Singapore, it is important to follow these steps.

Determine Your Skill Sets

Determining your skill set would be the first thing that you should consider. Remember that you are going to work in a foreign land  and therefore, in order for you to survive, it is important that you are equipped and ready of the things that awaits you. Finding a job is easy, but finding a suitable job is another thing.

Dare To Start In Zero

If you are in the engineering industry, you should know by now that it is not the experience but rather the performance. Keep in mind that you are an outsider and therefore, you should dare to start your career in the entry level. As soon as you are ready, it is time to get ready and prepare your One Visa.

Cost Of Living

The next thing that you should know by now would be the cost of living in the country. If you have been into provident places like Beverly Hills, then you know the idea how it is like to live in Singapore. Yet again this will vary depending on city. In many cases, workers would lease an apartment or a dormitory since the value of a single room or apartment is quite pricey.


Of course, another important factor you should consider when planning to work to Singapore would be the recruitment agency. Is the agency reputable enough that will provide you the kind of job which matches your skill set? if so, prepare for a job interview and you will be informed shortly if you are the one that they are looking for.

Contract Signing

When signing a recruitment contract, it is important to read the content inch by inch. In case you don’t understand some conditions, it is best to ask the agency about it. Not all workers and job seekers are successful in Singapore. In some cases, they go home to their countries empty handed.

End Of Contract

The job contract will vary depending on the agency and the company itself. In case that the contract will only last for about a year or so, how can you make sure that you are going to find another field of work in Singapore? This is another important reminder that you should always keep in mind.

Understand The Market

It is essential to understand the demand of the market. You should learn more about Singapore prior to the needs of the manpower including their culture and traditions. This will make you decide whether Singapore is the right country for you or not.