Why Good Translation Can Help Your Business Grow


When you want to develop your business and enter new markets, you need to find a reliable language service provider to translate your paperwork. There are many components that you need to consider translating and localizing if you want your brand to be accepted by the local people. In addition to that you need to organize a few trainings so that your local partners and employees are in line with the general idea of your business growth.

So here are the three main aspects that you need to take into account when planning your business growth in a foreign country.

The secret to successful document translation

Expanding your business abroad and entering new markets is accompanied by a significant amount of paperwork. There are new contracts and guidelines that need to be developed to take into account the specific requirements and many product manuals or service descriptions that need to be translated. Therefore, you need to choose an agency that provides quality document translation that includes the following elements:

  • Native speaking, professional translators – properly trained and experienced professionals are a must for accurate and effective document translation services. It is good if the translators are subject matter experts in their field. In other words, you need someone whose linguistic expertise is coupled with knowledge of technical specifications and concepts;
  • Translation Project Management – providing start-to-finish project management is of key importance for the overall process. Thus, the client does not have to worry about the progress and status of their translation;
  • Cutting Edge Technology – using a sophisticated cloud-based translation management system helps with providing sufficient and accurate translation services. It also allows clients to keep track of the progress in real-time

The combination of the above elements along with the dedication of all professionals participating in the translation process is a guarantee for top-notch translation services. In addition to that, make sure to choose a translation agency that follows a strict translation process that includes quality assurance.

The best strategy for website translation

If your business is expanding to foreign-language markets, then you need to consider some changes to your website as well. If you want to get closer to your new potential clients, you need to speak their own language. Therefore, you need to translate your website in the respective languages. There are two main strategies that you can adopt: create a multisite or a multilanguage site. Here are the pros and cons of each:

  • Having a multisite means to have several sites in the respective language of the country you are serving, with the respective ending. For example, if you are expanding to Spain, you will need a website ending at .es. The advantage is that you will appear more local and relevant and you will come at the top ranks when searched, which is good for SEO purposes as well. The disadvantage is that you need to purchase and maintain several domains for each country/language you are adding.
  • Creating a multilanguage site on the other hand, means that you will have your site translated to as many languages as you need. The advantage is that it is easier to manage but the drawback is that you have to publish the new content in all the languages simultaneously so that everything is consistent and up-to-date.

No matter which option you will select, make sure to have a clear vision about what you want and need and work closely with the translation team in order to get things right. Make sure to pay attention to elements such as:

  • Contact details
  • Date format
  • Images
  • Colours

The small details are often of paramount importance if you want to gain the trust and loyalty of the local audience.

Why company training translation and localization matter

Moving to new markets often entails opening an office there and hiring new employees among the locals. This means that you need to train them properly in order to expect the same high-quality service.

In order to get the best of the training you need to translate and localize your e-learning courses and enjoy the benefits this brings. This will bring consistency in the training, save you costs in the long-term and most importantly lead to employee satisfaction and retention. When the training content is localized to take into account the local peculiarities it will have the desired effect on the learners.

Make sure to provide relevant training to all interested parties – employees, managers, partners, subcontractors. This will help you grow your business smoothly and more successfully. Take time to prepare your e-learning courses and then choose a reliable language service provider for their translation and localization.

In conclusion, it can be pointed out that expanding a business to foreign-language markets is not an easy task but the process can go quite smooth when working with the right partners. Keep in mind that translation will be a significant part of the overall process and make sure to plan the activity in advance. Choose the translation options that suit your business growth strategy best and stick to them if you want consistency in your company presence in the foreign market.