Tips for writing a Good Blog Post


Important Tips for writing a Good Blog Post:

Lots of people wonder how to write a great blog content that becomes popular and successful. If you are one of them and are imagining how to get it right then read the following.

1.Select a topic- this seems the hardest part of writing. Because the success of the blog post and the traffic that diverts to your blog is based on what you write. So choose a topic carefully, you must research for the keywords that are popular. You must decide on what topic you want to write and the headlines and the keywords you are going to use.

2.Create a editorial calendar- you have to plan ahead what to write and when so that you write enough for a month. If you are wondering when to write what then plan a calendar. Write one topic for each weekday and voila, by the end of month you will have written enough content.

Tips for writing a Good Blog Post

3.Write in an easy to understand manner- readers have short attention span and when you fail to attract your readers through your blog post then they will not come again. Therefore present your article in a better way, use sub headings, bullet points and bold letters to highlight the keywords of phrases.

4.Know search engine optimization- it changes all the time. you should strive constantly on the top. You should not ignore it or think someone else will do the job for you. You should do it. Learn tips, ideas etc to do the SEO right.

5.Edit content yourself- this is a must. You must be the one to edit the content. once the articles is ready, read it out loud and do the final edit. Write and publish the article and then read what is on the page. You can make edits and changes and then update your post.

6.Select images that compel people to share- if you are posting on Pinterest, where people share your content, you have to choose an image which motivates the users to click the image and visit your site.  You have to include the headline or the caption for the Pinterest image that people are going to read.

7.Number of words- the number of words in your post matters. As the search engines require a minimum of 300 words to scan the page and remember people will not be interested in reading a post that contains more than 1000 words. It is best to maintain the word count of 750.

8.Links-  you must include links in every post you write. It will provide you the search engine juice from sites that aggregate your posts. you must include one external link for every 100 words in your post.

Ask your readers questions- at the end of your post always leave a question or ask the readers to respond. This will create an interest in the readers. If you want to know what the others think about your post then ask them how they like it, this will invite your readers to comment on your post and share them. It will also increase the traffic to your site.