Easy SEO tips for small businesses


Search engine optimization or SEO is important to ensure that your website is recognized by the search engines and your site gets a good rank. One form of SEO is the social SEO in which the social media and its links play an important role in the website rankings. Though it sounds complicated, in reality it is all about content optimization, whether on a website or on social media to rank high on search engines.

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The following are 6 uncomplicated and easy social SEO tips for your small business.

social media

1. Social media profiles optimization

To have an SEO friendly social media profile, description is very important. You have to definitely fill the information about yourself on your social networking accounts. Describe your business well with attractive words and phrases, include the terms and conditions of your business and keywords or terms that people would mostly search for. For local businesses, you must fill in your social profiles with details such as, address, state, city, pin code, phone number etc. Use links from your social networking site that link back to your business website.

2. Social media content optimization

your social media content has to be updated always and for this you must include the relevant keywords that are important for your business in your tweets, facebook posts etc. to boost your SEO you must share your site’s content on your social networking sites. To boost your SEO, you must share your content with the readers, this will help it to be indexed by Google faster. Use your business name in your posts, it helps the search engine associate your content’s keywords with your business and its name.

3. Share your content and build links

building links is an important part of SEO. Links will help you build good rapport with other websites. When you link to quality websites and receive links from quality sites, your SERP rank will increase. The comments, likes, shares etc everything will play an important role on your links. You site will receive more inbound links if you create content that can be shared. Remember content does not have to be a huge blog post; it can also be tweets and posts too. These too improve your SEO value. Add social buttons to each content on your site, this will improve your shares and links.

4. Pinterest

Pinterest is the best way for you to create content that can be shared and also build links and enhance your keyword strategy. When your site has a lot of traffic, your pages will be indexed and SERP ratings will be high too. Customize the link to pinterest and let people link back to your site which will increase your site’s ranks. To further improve your SEO and increase your site traffic add high quality images on Pintereest wherever there is necessity.

5. Spend some time on Google+ every day

it is obvious that Google loves its own Google+. Therefore, sign up for Google+’ business page and complete your profile to the maximum. You can add customized links in your profile and use them to link back to your business site and social channels. Once you have successfully signed up for Google+, spend a minimum of 10 minutes every day on it, this will increase your chances of appearing on Google’s SERP.

6. Create Google+ Listing- many consumers search for local businesses on the web

Therefore, you must fare well in the local search results and for this you have to optimize Google+ local listing. Local page is different from the business page, it allows the customers to connect easily with the location of the business. Remember to update your business details regularly.