An Online Marketplace that Makes Life Easier for You


An Online Marketplace that Makes Life Easier for You

It was like a year ago at work, that I was asked to organize a fun event for the staff at the office. Every year, we used to have an annual fun party organized at some nice place, where everybody could relax a bit, have fun, and enjoy the entire day with colleagues. As much as rosy it is to be there and enjoy, it is equally a tough task to make the complete arrangements and pull out a good show. There’s so much that needs to be done, so much to be taken care of. And, when you’re the person backstage, trust me, it’s not a cakewalk.

So, it was my responsibility this time, and there was exactly a week left for the big day. I was obviously nervous. I had to take care of the catering, stage, lights, sound, photography, and fun games and other activities. With just a week’s time left in hand, I kind of began to panic. But then, I was having a chat with one of my senior colleagues at the office, who had done such events earlier. He suggested me a really cool idea of how I could arrange everything easily, without so much effort.

He introduced me to an online marketplace, called StarOfService, which is a website that helps you hire professionals from hundreds of different fields. It works pretty much like the way you purchase products online. The concept is simple. You tell them what you’re looking for, they get back to you with a list of professionals who would be willing to work for you, and you hire the one who you think matches your budget and requirement.

I was completely impressed with the concept. So, I won’t have to roam around the city looking for a caterer, or a photographer or a sound and lights guy? How cool. On my way back home that day, I started surfing the website, and was surprised to see that they had thousands of professionals from over 800 fields to offer. So, there it was. My one stop solution, for everything that I was looking for.

All I had to do was post my requirements, wait for a couple of hours, and choose from the list of professionals that they’d sent. I just had to make a few calls, negotiate a little, and tick off my checklist. Within 3 days, I had hired a DJ, a photographer, a caterer, a stage and sound decorator, a magician, a game show host, and a stand-up comedian. The event went off really well, and I got some great complements for being a good event manager.

Honestly, it had never been so easy to hire services. Ever since then, I became a fan of StarOfService, and I ended up hiring a couple of professionals for myself too. So, now every time there’s some service that I’m looking for, I know exactly where to look for it. That’s what we as customers love. Ease, convenience, and quality. Who doesn’t love a business that tries to make life simpler for its customers?

With a humble beginning as a small business in France, this online service marketplace has done a great job connecting people to local professionals, making buying services easier than ever. Present in over 80 countries now, it aims to capture the world market and become the most trusted name for hiring services in the years to come.