Are QR Codes Worth Putting On Your Trade Show Displays?


QR codes are becoming increasingly popular in trade show display graphics. While this is already a popular communication method in Asia, North America and Europe are finally warming up to the idea as well. Before we can determine whether it is worth using QR codes in your trade show display, we will go over what these are and why you might want to use them.

What are QR codes?

When you scan them using a special application on your smartphone, QR codes can act as a hyperlink for print and multimedia. Once the program scans and identifies the QR code, you automatically go to that particular website.

These QR codes are free to make and cannot be hijacked or stolen. A quick Google search for ‘free QR generator’ is going to come up with a number of different options. You can have your own unique QR code in seconds. Not only is this easy because no one has to enter anything, but you also show that you are on the cutting edge of technology.


Problem with early adoption

Despite the fact that QR codes are easy and ‘cool’, you have to keep in mind that the majority of visitors at any booth are not going to have a QR-scanner installed on their smartphone. As we said before, this is a technology that is starting to blossom, mass adoption is not here yet. Unless someone has 4G speeds or is connected through Wi-Fi, they are not going to be able to download a program that is supposed to make it easier for them to get to a website or give out information in the first place.


It can interfere with your graphics

If you are going to use a QR code, you want it at eye level. That means visitors are not going to have to bend down or look straight up to take a picture. However, that is considered prime graphic real estate. This is the exact location that you want to use to inform prospective visitors why they need to make a stop at your stand. The QR code might be seen as ‘noise’ and distract from your overall graphic presentation.


So is it worth it?

If you can find a way to utilize your QR code in your information without it becoming distracting, it is certainly worth it. You have to consider your audience as well. Are you dealing with technologically advanced 20 to 30-year olds or are you dealing with older decision makers who might not even have a smartphone? While it is a great gimmick and is likely to become standard in the future (especially as more and more smartphones will have a QR code scanner installed by default) it is not a ‘must’ yet.


Author Bio:

NVP Exhibits provides a wide range of exhibition stands, ipad stands, trade show stands and display stand packages all kinds of exhibitions, expos, trade shows and conferences. We look after ongoing exhibitors with our unique modular display stand technology or exhibitors looking for one off solutions.