What Can You Buy With Bitcoin?


Bitcoin has become increasingly popular over the years for its value as a stock market alternative and a way to make money, but not many people consider the things that you can buy using Bitcoin. As a cryptocurrency, it still functions as any other currency would, and some online stores even treat it as their main form of payment.

But what can you actually get with Bitcoin, and what kind of products or services might be worth your while if you have got BTC to spare?

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General Online Purchases

A lot of online sites treat Bitcoin as just another currency, meaning that you can buy anything from clothing and fashion accessories to furniture and online services with BTC. Of course, this relies on you finding a site that accepts it since many still have not officially adopted BTC yet.

Tech Products

Technology and digital devices are a popular choices for Bitcoin purchases. While companies like Apple might not offer BTC options directly, you can still buy those products through stores that carry Apple products.

Since a lot of online sellers accept cryptocurrency, it is not hard to pay for a new computer or the latest tablet device using your leftover Bitcoin. You just need to find a platform that can accept BTC as a form of currency.


It might sound surprising at first, but you can buy entire cars, boats, and even yachts with Bitcoin if you save up enough. A lot of premium vehicle sellers or dealerships will accept a range of cryptocurrency types, allowing you to quickly and easily deposit your BTC for a brand new car.

This also applies to vehicle parts. If you are the kind of person who likes to tune up your own vehicle, then BTC allows you to get parts and specialized accessories without needing to rely on your own bank account.

Books and eBooks

It is not hard to find countless online stores selling a huge range of boots in return for BTC. Online bookstores are a popular way to spend some excess coins and get something in return, especially if you have just bought your own Kindle using Bitcoin as well.

Web Services

Getting online services like web hosting is always an option with BTC, as are things like buying domain names or servers. Any tech-heavy industry is going to have at least one foot in the Bitcoin market, and that means that website hosting services allow BTC payments quite consistently.

What else?

Really, there are countless things you can do with even a tiny amount of bitcoin. It is almost impossible to go over every single thing that you can buy and sell, especially since a lot of sites are still in the process of adopting cryptocurrency payments.

A good starting place would be the Xerofs article about things to buy with bitcoin. Having even a basic idea of what is on offer, along with some clear examples, can help you find some of the more notable places that people choose to spend their leftover Bitcoin. Over time, you will get used to treating it as a second payment option.