How Social Media Profiles Can Help Boost a Hotel Company’s Bookings and Revenues


Hotel companies need to engage members of the public and the best way to do this is by creating social media profiles. In this modern digital age social media has taken over the world and most people with a smartphone will have signed up to at least one platform. Many tourists will be on Facebook and Twitter, so hotel firms must create profiles for both of these for greater brand visibility. Other useful platforms include LinkedIn, Snapchat and picture-sharing website Instagram as these attract a variety of customers that are both young and old. Hotels must have a social media presence to entice potential guests onto their website.

Something to remember when using social media is that whatever goes online has to be appropriate for the public. There should be links to blogs, photos and short videos that will attract customers enough so that they click onto the website. Social media can be quite persuasive when it comes to selling a hotel’s rooms to the public. It is a quick way for people to discover what a property has to offer and customers can easily click the website link to find out more. What accommodation firms really need to think about is how they are being portrayed on social media and ensure they reply to all customers who interact with them.

Hotel firms need a solid hotel social media marketing plan to deal with guests who are either complimenting or complaining about the company. They need to reply immediately to both types of interaction as customers like to quickly receive messages as soon as they post something on social media. It is the real-time communication that the public adores and social media has actually become the equivalent of phoning up customer services. Hotels must point out any positive online reviews from existing guests so others can be encouraged to book, and should highlight any beautiful pictures taken by travellers staying at the hotel.

Social media should be used to highlight any discounts that hotels want to promote and also special seasonal events held throughout the year. There must be great offers and packages created for loyal customers that will attract them to return to the accommodation. Potential guests should be given a reason to follow the hotel on social media such as a discount on a stay at the residence. A crucial part of creating social media profiles are that a hotel should engage customers on there at least once a day. Each platform needs to be maintained so that guests can actually see the effort accommodation companies put into social media.

Firms must employ the amazing workers at Digital Hoteliers that will help create a superb strategy towards excelling at social media. They will come up with the best hashtags and ideas to get ahead in this industry. The experts at this digital marketing agency will create fabulous posts across a number of platforms including Instagram. The top staff members will interact online with the public and produce blog posts that will appear high on search engines. They will handle profile and reputation management as well as create paid advertising through Facebook and Twitter to help target the right audience for the business.