How to delete sensitive files stored on your computer permanently?


Businesses hold a lot of sensitive information. Be it customer details or important data relating to their business and their plans. Losing such important information can become a fatal blow for the organization. Data theft has been growing over the past years. Although the latest security systems are also being put in place, one must understand that the risk of data theft has not become zero. With the advancement in technology, hackers are also finding new ways to hack into the servers of organizations. 

Companies are also finding new ways to protect their organization and data from falling into wrong hands. Well, they must be careful about data theft as it does more than cause damage to their reputation. Customer trust is vital for business growth. Once customers lose the trust of an organization they are never going to do business with them again. The businesses have to pay a huge ransom to hackers in case they get data. Also, data recovery can cost huge sums of money. Lastly, they have to deal with the downtime too. Since they cannot work until the breach is corrected.

Not only businesses, but even individuals also have a lot of sensitive information stored on the servers and Personal computers. Even with anti-virus software in place the devices are still at risk of data theft. Giving your laptop or Personal computer to upgrade or repair without erasing your sensitive data can put your data at the risk of falling into the wrong hands. Since data theft causes a lot of trouble, is there a way to protect your data and stop the leakage of your data?

Yes! Once you are done with the data or switching servers or your personal computers or laptop never forget to delete the sensitive data from those devices. You see, most people go to great lengths to protect their sensitive information. However, they forget to delete them from old devices. One must remember that leaving your data on your old devices also risks data leakage. But manually removing data is not an easy fit. Also, there are chances that they may not remove complete data. Having file eraser software at your disposal will make it easy to delete sensitive data permanently. One such software that has been rising in the market- Bitraser File Eraser. 

What is a Bitraser File Eraser?

Bitraser File Eraser is software that easily wipes out all the sensitive data stored on the desktop, Personal Computer or Laptop, and external drive. It also does an excellent job in erasing folders, files, saved passwords, browsing history, etc. One of the main reasons behind the popularity of this tool is that no technical expertise is required. Anyone can use this software. Simply put, it is user-friendly and easy to use. This software is loaded with world-class data wiping technology that will provide 100% data safety. Bitraser File Eraser is a powerful data wiping software that once your data is wiped using this software, data cannot be retrieved using any tool or method. 

Want to know more about this software? Stick until the end of this article to find more about its features and how it will help you in protecting your data.


Wipes out all your sensitive information

Bitraser File Eraser will wipe out all the sensitive data from external storage devices and all Windows PCs. It erases videos, identity documents, photos, browsing history from Chrome, IE, Mozilla, etc. Devices also include important details such as email passwords, online banking details, etc. With Bitraser File Eraser you can delete such data too. Cookies and App traces can also be erased to safeguard your data. It can also wipe data from the hard drive, SD card, Server files, and USB drive. It is perfectly compatible with major brands like Acer, Dell, Asus, Lenovo, etc. 

Wipes out application traces, system traces, and more

While using applications such as instant messengers, news apps, email apps, etc., your personal information, preferences, and activity log can also be stored in the application. Not only that, but conversations can also remain in app traces. These data are also at risk of exposure. You can’t find all app traces and delete them. Also, not to forget, it will take a lot of time to do it manually. However, with Bitraser File Eraser you can remove all your app traces with ease. 

Along with application traces, it also removes system traces and internet activity too. System traces are the files that pile up on your device from routine usage. They are created by the OS whilst running a process and they consume a lot of storage space too. It is important to delete them as they will degrade the performance of your device. Bitraser File Eraser does the job for you. It deletes them to improve the performance, speed, and storage space utilization of your device.

Well, people spend a lot of time on browsers, be it for accessing social media platforms or finding new information. So it is not an exaggeration to say that your internet activity also consists of a lot of your sensitive information. However, with Bitraser File Eraser you can delete both browsing history and internet searches. Not only that it will also help you in deleting passwords, cookies, favorites from browsers such as Mozilla, Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE, Sea Monkey, etc. 

Erases deleted data and specific files

This software also permanently wipes the deleted files from the partitions and drives. By erasing this deleted data you are freeing up your storage space along with safeguarding your data from unwanted recovery. Another interesting feature of this software is that you can search for specific files and wipe them. Yes! If you want to delete specific files you can easily do it with this software. You can find the file by its name or extension. It will search for the file in the hardware, folders, and subfolders. 

List to wipe specific files 

This software allows you to create a list of all your unwanted folders and files. With this list, you can wipe all the unwanted data in a go. It provides you with options such as edit, create, remove and save making it easy to add or remove files from the list. You can create the list whenever you feel the need to delete files from your computer. All you have to do is create a list, add files and load the list for erasing the data permanently. 

Schedule the erasing 

Bitraser File Eraser will schedule the erasing tasks and wipe the data at the predetermined time and date. You can schedule the erase traces, files, and folders frequently. Yes! You can schedule it daily, weekly, monthly, or you can just do it once or at the time of system reboot. The software will follow your instructions accordingly and permanently wipe the data. You can also view the schedule list, status, frequency, etc. In case you don’t want to delete a list, you can simply add the files to the “ignore list”. So that they will not be deleted. 

How does Bitraser File Eraser work?

All you have to do is follow three simple steps and you can permanently delete your data without any hassle. Choose the specific option that you want to delete such as erase traces, erase deleted data and erase files and folders. Add files or storage devices to these options and click on ‘erase now’ to wipe the data permanently. 

They are offering a trial period of 30 days. So try this software for free to check its functionalities. 

Wrapping up

As you have made it to the end of this article, you must have understood the features and functionality of this software. It is 100% safe and secure software that will help you in wiping sensitive information from your devices without a hassle. Use this software to erase your data and protect your information from falling into wrong hands.