Tips For Designing A Better Website


No business wants to deal with a website that just doesn’t draw any views, but it happens all the time.  Getting the design of your business website right makes all the difference on whether or not it sees any action from users.  

If you’re looking for the design tips that really matter, you’ve landed in the right place.  Take a peek at some helpful tips for designing a better website, and start making the necessary changes now.  

Create a clean and simple design

Take a good look at your site, and consider what could be perceived as clutter by web users.  A site that is too busy or cluttered with advertisements will quickly overstimulate and repel web users visiting your site for the first time.  

Simplify your design, and focus on elements such as a stationary navigation bar.  This industrial site featuring hydrostatic pressure testing makes it easy for users to explore all the sitemap has to offer.  Take a look at simplicity in action, and get a cleaner eye for what your pages should display.  

Appeal with aesthetics 

A well-designed business website looks appealing to web users as well.  Catching the eye of users with a cool aesthetic will help build user retention on your pages.  

Learn a bit about how color affects the psychology of the individual, and use a color scheme that has been proven to draw eyes.  Use high quality images and videos to engage users too.  

Mobile users are important

You can’t discount the takeover of mobile users online when you are designing your business website.  Mobile users account for more than half the users online every day, so they can no longer be a second thought to page designers.  

Designing your pages for mobile users means that they have to transition and view well on a much smaller screen.  Your pages should also be set up with easy to tap buttons that aren’t super small when they translate to the screen of a smartphone.  

Social media helps visibility

Spreading the word about your business online is easier when your website is equipped with social media sharing icons.  Sharing is a quick way for users to bring their friends and family in on the action, and a free way for your business to gain a little digital marketing.  

Add sharing icons in the right places throughout your website design, and you’ll be surprised at just how often people click the links.  Creating social media sharing icons isn’t the trickiest design aspect either.  

A blog encourages engagement 

Finally, adding a blog to your business website can be an invaluable tool for engagement.  You want people to interact and spend time browsing your website, as people who spend more time on a website tend to also spend more money on a website.  Adding a well-written blog collection to the mix might be just the thing to stir up the kind of user engagement you had hoped to see.