Website Design Tips For Beginners


Designing a successful business website takes skill and knowledge. A web design company will provide you with a successful website for increase your brand awareness. There are several designing techniques which have been proven effective by many other businesses over the past decade. 

Becoming familiar with foundational design tactics will help you develop your business website into a traffic driving machine.  Start your research efforts now, and check out a brief article featuring some of the most important design tactics for successful business websites this year.

Navigation is a base structural element

Every website needs a clear way to navigate the content offered.  For your business website, a stationary navigation bar is best suited.  The design of a floating navigation bar is simple, and web users are supremely familiar with their function.

You may want to add a bit of creativity to your navigation options, but make sure to preserve the simplicity of the feature.  This signing company in Houston shows how efficient and engaging a simple stationary navigation layout can be.

Social media is a valuable outlet

Your business website will benefit from a shameless social media plug… or two.  Weave social media into all of your digital content in one way or another.  On your website, add social media sharing icons for visitors to use.

Strategic placement of popular social media icons throughout your business website design will make the most efficient impact on your website visibility.  Sharing of your content will create a web of backlinks, and boost your site’s authority rating over time.

Optimize for mobile eyes

Mobile users are the dominant driving force on the internet today.  Smartphones, tablets, iPads, and other mobile devices are the primary method of access to the web, and business owners should begin designing for the changes.

Mobile optimization starts with a simple addition to your website coding.  Add media queries to your design, and enjoy the automatic adjustment to mobile technology.  Your website will no longer require mobile users to pinch and swipe to interact.

Communicate with your target audience

Your business website should encourage passing viewers to communicate with your organization.  Gathering insight from interested web users will help your business to more efficiently serve the needs of your target population.

Make sure your business website includes the traditional “Contact Us” page, but don’t stop there.  Add other communication inquiries for users to explore along the way.  A phone number on your homepage, a “leave a comment box,” and a brief contact form are all excellent tools for boosting communication efforts online.

Integrate SEO design tactics

If you’re not already familiar with the term search engine optimization, then you have a starting point for your design research.  You’ll need knowledge of SEO before you build your business website, so you can work the concepts into every piece of content you create.