4 Smart Techniques to Increase Your Ecommerce Store’s Sales


4 Smart Techniques to Increase Your Ecommerce Store’s Sales

If you have an e-commerce store and you are seeing a dip in sales, there could be a myriad of reasons. These reasons include but are not limited to:

  • Season
  • Better competitor
  • Less Need for the Product
  • Saturated market
  • Too many competitors

Whether any of these apply to you and your business is incidentally irrelevant. You should be able to increase your online sales regardless of why your sales are starting to drop. Implement the techniques in this article to help boost your ecommerce sales.

Technique #1: Hire a Company to Manage Your SEO

If your current customer or client base is stagnant, it always helps to boost how many new people you have coming to your website to make purchases. Which means, if your website does not have optimized search terms and keywords, you won’t be showing up on page 1 of Google, Yahoo, or Bing – which should be your goal.

Why hire a company, though? You may think it to be more cost-effective and valuable to learn about and implement SEO on your own. Unfortunately, you’ll spend around 3-4 months (if spending a minimum of 8 hours a day) learning what a marketing company knows. Then, when the rules of the game change in 6 months, you’ll spend another 2 weeks learning the updates (and every 6 months thereafter).

Save yourself time and money and just hire professionals to take care of your marketing for you.


Technique #2: Offer New Sales

If your sales are the same/similar and somewhat predictable, your customer base will only visit your site and buy when the sales they want are going on. Try mixing it up a little bit, offering a couple different sales and send out a blast on email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat! It will engage your customer base and help sales roll in!

Technique #2.5 (The Bonus): Be on Social Media

If you aren’t on social media… you are already behind. Get on the fierce 4 (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat) and post 2 times a day. Try using Hootsuite if it is too much trouble doing this daily. You can plan out several days’ worth of posts that will post on a schedule.

Technique #3: Update Your Blog More Frequently

Do you have a blog built into your e-commerce site? If not, that is the first thing you should do. Ideally, you should post weekly. If you are already posting weekly, then start posting twice a week, but make sure it is spread out.

Why would you do this? Search Engines like to see websites that are updated frequently – and will reward those sites with higher rankings (over time).

Technique #4: Create a Referral Program

If you really want a more long-term increase in your sales, create a referral program for your current customers and clients. Just make sure the reward matches the amount of work that is your customer/client is doing. For example, if you require that someone gives you the email of a friend and the friend has to make a purchase, don’t offer 10% off of one item. You’ll almost never get referrals.

So, Get Out There

This article may be introducing many new topics that you hadn’t previously considered. That is okay! You can always hire a company that specializes in marketing for ecommerce. If you need an ecommerce solution for small business, research companies that offer affordable plans in addition to knowledge and experience.