Do You Sell Art Using Shopify? Here’s 5 Ways to Help Promote Your Store


Shopify is the go-to service if you’re looking to setup an online store quickly in the most cost-effective manner possible. Shopify makes it easy for people with little knowledge to come along and setup their own fully manageable store within minutes, and what’s great is you’ll be able to market your store as if it were your own custom-made website. Shopify stores are easy enough to promote, but what are the most effective ways of promoting a store when you are trying to sell art?


One fantastic way of promoting your Shopify store is to dedicate time every week to create entertaining blog posts that keep your readers coming back for more. Blogging provides many benefits in terms of website promotion and engaging with potential customers, but it’s also a terrific way to send traffic straight to your store in a direct way.

Social Media

If you’re an artist yourself, you should have no problems selling your products by going down the social media route as your creative products will likely be able to sell themselves. Social media is a brilliant way to take advantage of a cost-effective way to promote your products and services. If you are able to come up with something creative, there is no reason why it won’t get shared thousands of times and go viral.


Everyone likes a freebie so there is no reason why you shouldn’t setup a weekly or monthly competition so your fans can get hold of some of your work for free or at a discount. Of course, how much your art is worth and what you are offering will determine the response you get from your fans, but you can be sure even something little is the way forward in being able to promote your art store.

Affiliate Program

One effective way of promoting your Shopify products is to offer an affiliate program to past or present customers. This means that you’ll not have to pay for any advertising or marketing costs, and it means your fans will be able to earn a commission for every customer they send your way. The Shopify platform has an affiliate program you can take advantage of that will let you do just that.


While we have already stated that social media is a fantastic way to help drive traffic to your Shopify store, one platform that could prove to be better than the rest for artists is Instagram. Instagram is primarily photo based which means it’s filled with beautiful pictures and creative ideas. This gives you an opportunity to promote your brand with your creative artwork. Not only will your art get liked on Instagram, but Instagram is often connected to Twitter and Facebook accounts which means it gets shared there too!

Shopify already offers many benefits in terms of marketing and advertising your Shopify store, but the above are just some of the many ways you can promote your store even further to give you a much better chance of selling your art online.