Brand Building Hacks You Can Do During Your Lunch Break


To be a success, you need to build a brand. Take a look around you: how many well-known brands can you spot? If you’re reading this page on an iPad or iPhone, the distinctive Apple logo is one for starters. Perhaps you have a can of Pepsi sitting on the table nearby or there is an empty McDonald’s box in the kitchen. All of these brands are instantly recognizable, all over the world.

Big brands like Apple and Nike have a multi-million dollar marketing budget at their disposal. They also have hundreds of people working on brand building initiates at any given time. Since you are unlikely to have such resources at your disposal and time is money, here are some quick and easy tips to help you build an existing brand or rebrand to refresh and stay relevant. In fact, they are so quick you can do all of them in your lunch hour.

Who needs lunch anyway? Lunch is for wimps!

Write a Blog

Is your website looking a bit sparse? Grab a coffee and fire off a great blog post. Once you have uploaded your post, be sure to promote it on all social media channels.

Pen a Guest Post

Guest posting has had some negative press in recent years, but it is still a powerful way to promote your brand and gain exposure in new markets. The key to success here is to write a well-crafted piece that establishes you as a thought leader. If your work is good enough, high-ranking sites will be happy to post it on your behalf, along with a useful link back to your website to gain brand awareness and link equity.

Work on Your Twitter Followers

Twitter is a fantastic marketing tool. The more followers you have, the more exposure your brand will get. Spend your lunch hour increasing the number of Twitter followers you have in the following ways:

  • Reach out to people in your niche and follow them. If they like your Tweets, they will follow you back.
  • Look for Twitter accounts you admire and see who their followers are.
  • Use tools like Hootsuite to promote your content the right way.
  • Write a few Tweets and schedule them for later in the day so you don’t bombard your followers with too much content.

Run a Social Media Contest

Most people spend a lot of time on social media during their lunch hour, so why not do something to attract their attention?

It’s very easy to create a social media contest if you take advantage of a tool like WooBox or Heyo. The more fun you make it, the more entries you will have, which in turn leads to shares and likes.

Design an Infographic

Online audiences lap up visual media. Infographics, video, and images are far more likely to be shared online than text content. It would take longer than a lunch hour to film a video, but it’s easy to create an infographic. Download a free tool and display your information in a fun and shareable way.

There are many other ways to make your lunch hour more productive. Send out some emails to contacts or post an update on your Facebook page. The more proactive you are, the more visible your brand will become.