10 Reasons Why Business Cards Are Still Important


The latest technologies in this digital era made almost everything virtually available. Yet the significance of a few old school techniques is not impacted. One such thing is business cards and it is pretty evident that the culture of exchanging business cards is never going to lose its importance at any time in the future.

Business cards play a crucial role in the business world. It is because here people believe that network is the net worth and nobody wants a lower net worth.

You can rarely see a businessman without a business card. One who is committed to his business goals definitely carries a handful of cards in his wallet. Because he doesn’t know when and where he might come across the potential customers and clients, right?

Moreover, business cards do not just represent your company or you. They build you trust, relationships and a healthy network that prospers your business either directly or indirectly.

Thus business cards act as catalysts for every individual who is committed to business growth.

Despite all these benefits most people still think how a small piece of paper card can promote a business. So, here are the top 10 reasons why business cards are still important. 

Why do you need Business cards even in 2020 & Beyond?

  1. Leave Positive First Impression

As said above, you never know when and where you might meet your potential clients. You might meet your future clients at the airport lounge, or industry events, or at a party. Having the business cards handy will turn any scenario as your opportunity to introduce what you do and who you are apart from the personal conversation.

Moreover, it represents that you are serious about your business and not a random marketer. As you don’t struggle to find a pen to write on your number or paper to scramble your company website but hand over a nice business card, you look professional and organized. This will definitely leave a lasting impression on you. 

However, you can’t simply carry a fist-sized paper card to your prospects that look just like other cards. A business card should look impressive and classy with its design, quality and creativity. So, relying on trusted digital printing services such as The Printing House is a smart choice. It saves you time providing you with inspiring business cards. 

  1. Promotes your Brand

Business cards help in promoting your business and brand to the next level. They go wherever you go and meet whomever you meet. Once they are offered to your prospects they last with them even after you leave their place. 

No matter, if it is a random place or trade fair or an official business meeting, your business cards speak a lot for you. Along with your basic company details include your logo with stunning graphics, and drop an impressive line that describes you at the bottom of the card. Your prospects will definitely look at you and invest their time to listen to you as that card shows the standards of your brand.

If you create a good impression with your conversation, there are high chances that not only people remember you, your company but save your business card in their office drawers or in their cardholders. Thus your brand is recognized and remembered.

  1. Cost-effective

Compared to the costs of other marketing strategies like flyers, brochures, email campaigns that are uncertain for conversions, business cards are less pricey. You get a pocketful of high-quality business cards for lesser prices. So, it doesn’t matter if you are a small business or a large business, anyone can afford business cards for a lifetime. However, prices differ based on quality and design.

You directly offer your business card to your prospect after a handshake. Meaning, your business idea has reached into your customer’s hand. They look at its quality, uniqueness and that-why-factor. So, ensure getting high-quality cards as the investment is worthy.

  1. Easy to Share Information

Though there are many ways to reach and promote your business online, face-to-face interaction has its own benefits. You can express your ideas more effectively and analyze if your audience liked it then and there.

Moreover, after a successful conversation, you get a chance to share your contact information with your prospects so that they can reach you out when needed. Telling them to note your number or showing your website on your phone are undoubtedly bad ideas. Doing so might close the relationship as well, as it looks so unprofessional. So, what could be the best thing other than offering your business card to them?

Business cards are the easiest way to share your information as they have key details like company name, email address, contact number, and office address. 

  1. Portable & Accessible

Business cards are small, pocket-sized paper or metal cards. So, they can be carried to anywhere in the world without even putting any attention on them. They come in rescue when your phones are turned off and when you don’t find a paper to write something important to your prospect while offering it. So, with business cards, you don’t miss an opportunity to show your business to your clients.

All you need to do is always have a handful of cards handy.

  1. Promotes your Professionalism

You have business cards that describe you and your business, and you have them handy always. This simply means you are disciplined and organized and on your business. So, carrying business cards reflects your confidence and professionalism in the eyes of your clients.

  1. Effective Way for Marketing

It is always difficult to introduce yourself to a stranger in a crowd without a business card. So, these are effective tools to market and promote your business. After all, you need your prospects’ time to sell your ideas, right? 

So, you could either introduce yourself offering your card to start a conversation with them. Or build a personal relationship first and end your conversation exchanging the business cards.

I most cases, people extend the conversation after looking at the business cards. So you have more time to sell your thoughts and promote your brand.

  1. Its a Networking Tool

You build a great network by exchanging business cards with people like you. With a touch of warmth, you can build good relationships with people who can become your clients, partners or customers. As discussed above, you don’t know how and where you might meet people who may need you or the people you need. So, with the habit of exchanging business cards keeps you connected so that you can follow up them when needed.

  1. Your Business Expands through referrals

If your prospects like the way you interact with them and found something better on your business card, they will definitely keep the card with them. And if you clearly describe your services on the card in a short and simple line, they will remember it. Chances are high that they don’t hesitate to educate their network or connect people in need with you. Thus they become referrals and bridge the gap between you and your customers at least to some extent. As you know how powerful word of mouth for any business. It can make or break the business. So, make sure you only leave positive impressions with people you meet.

  1. Finally, they Work Well

Though there are a few apps that let you share information. Not everybody is aware of and comfortable using them. The practice of exchanging business cards is an effective and proven way to grow business to new heights. Moreover, business cards play a very dominant role in countries like Hong Kong and Japan. As they are deciding-factors when making a business deal.

Bottom Line

Thus, no matter what business cards are irreplaceable. They continue to play a key role in making businesses. So, get your business cards from top printing companies, carry them always to grow your network and boost your business. As it is equally important to leave a positive impression, design your cards with high-quality paper so that they don’t get spoiled and lose the information put on it. Also, add your creative skills to describe your brand in addition to adding your company information so that you stand out and look unique among your competitors.