How Social Media Has Changed Follower Engagement


The use of social media has become so prevalent these days. Both the young and old make use of the different platforms to connect with their family and friends. Social media have also shaped how businesses market their products and services.

These channels can even band strangers together, such as the case for Greenfly is one such social media software for sports marketing that ensures fans can stay connected with their favorite league.

 Here are ways that platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have changed follower engagement:

1. More Targeted Outreach

Digital marketing strategies, like search engine optimization (SEO), are valuable for leading traffic into your company website. With this, you can market to your prospective clients directly.

These days, however, it takes time and a lot of energy to achieve the top spot in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for your target keywords. You can supplement this effort by maximizing your social media presence.

First, you have to identify your target audience. An excellent way to market your business on social media is to know the different platforms and determine which ones are used the most by your prospects. You can take advantage of paid or sponsored ads on these sites to introduce your brand to potential customers.

This type of targeted outreach has the potential to increase your conversions because these consumers have already expressed interest in products and services that are similar to yours. For instance, if you sell cookware and you pay for an ad on social media, the website’s algorithm will display your advertisement to users who recently viewed the same kind of merchandise. This way, they are made aware that your brand can provide a solution to their needs.

For organic posts, you can also take advantage of hashtags so that they’ll be visible when people search for a particular interest. Another example is using the hashtag “#gardentools” if you sell rakes and other equipment used for gardening.

2. Spark Conversations

Once you’ve reached your target audience, you can, then, publish compelling content to encourage discussions on your brand, product, or service. Even industry news is enough to get the discourse going and attract other potential customers.

Join communities and forums in various social media platforms to assimilate yourself into the group. You should remember, however, that you should be mindful of when to market your brand blatantly and when to nurture the reader’s interest first.

3. Improved Customer Service

Social media is also a potent tool for customer service. Consumers are tethered to their phones nowadays, so it’s more convenient for them to share their feedback on your products and services through various online platforms.

These sites can be a boon or bane for your brand. While they can help you monitor and repost the praises you receive from your customers, they also make it easier for buyers to complain about your merchandise.

As a company, you can’t escape bad reviews. The best thing you can do is to address the concern of the complainant with humility and do all that you can to ensure that their issue is resolved.

Most consumers are aware that you can’t please everybody. What they do look at, however, is your response to criticisms, so make sure to adopt a solver mindset instead of ignoring the problem.

4. Influencer Marketing

The rise of social media has also paved the way for ordinary web users to become influencers. The term pertains to people who have amassed a substantial following on various platforms. They’ve become a celebrity of some sort and have earned the trust of their subscribers. 

As a brand, you can approach influencers in your industry and partner with them in promoting your products and services. This is another way that you can introduce your company to a new target audience.

5. Increased Loyalty

With technology, web users now have ultimate control over the accounts that they want to follow and the posts that show up on their feeds. This implies that you’ve gained a customer’s confidence or, at the very least, piqued their interest enough when they follow you on social media. You can, then, nurture that curiosity and take care of that trust to boost their loyalty to your brand.


Social media is a potent tool for digital marketing, particularly with customer engagement. It allows you to reach your target audience more accurately. After you’ve introduced your brand to potential clients, you can, then, start conversations with them, as well as listen to their feedback on your products and services, which can increase their loyalty to your company.