
Writing is now getting the modern way of earning. Mostly when we talk about writing usually a thing comes in mind that writing is only associated as academic or technical writing for instance essays, technical or research papers (check research paper)  and journals etc. but in the current times, writing is famous for the web-based content writing which is used to promote and describe web marketing, business startups and other entrepreneurship activities.

Like newspaper or magazine writing, web writing is the same, but the difference is only the pen and paper and keyboard and screen of the system. For this purpose, I would like to draw the attention of new and experienced writer that why should they be the writer and what considerations must keep in mind before calling yourself “a writer”. The judgement of your work is based on your writing skills.

It makes you think, understand and able to implement with the help of words. Writing skills turn to be fruitful in terms of providing money. The main cons of writing are it is time-consuming, requires practice and needs patience.

There are some explicit reasons that must have to understand before getting ahead in writing no matter from which background or industry you have belonged. Let’s look the following five ways that will realize you that either you should be a writer or not:


Writing could be the auxiliary means of earning money for the capable writer. In this fast-moving world, everyone wants to earn something from passive sources. Writing blogs, stories, articles and different contexts are the best way to earn money sitting at home keeping in front of your family. In this advanced world, everyone prefers to do less physical work and more mental and logical jobs.

Keeping an active blog and earning from the advertisement income, promotional blogs, short stories and writing eBooks are some ways of generating passive revenue. Writing revenue depends on the length and quality of the script. But some authors work on hourly basis, they select their leisure hours for writing termed as writers per hour. They are hired to work from 50$ to 100$ per hour depending on their popularity. That’s how you can create your community in the internet world and when your circle becomes enough strong you have the liberty to work on your personal terms and conditions.


It sounds great when you find a platform for the writing, but the main work starts after that. Everyone needs a mentor to learn something and writing also requires mentoring. It does not mean that you go for the search of writing tutors. The best way of learning and getting inspiration for writing skills is to follow the great writers. Following great writers means that you should read their masterpiece, understand what the style of their delivering concept is, how they use the sentence to make better understand their users and what phrases are there that makes their writing attractive for readers.

Read as much you can because reading does not waste your time it always makes you learn something new. Writing every day enhances the skills and accuracy. The more you inscribe the better you will find competitive in this field and more you will get dollars. It is something similar to the saying like “Practice makes man perfect”


Writing requires a proper time and concentration. So, you must understand that which time will be most appropriate for you when no one can disturb you and make it a routine. Most of the young people prefer night hours as their friends and family can not disturb them, but some also suggest morning time is best as the mind is fresh that time and you can deliver your best at that moment.

It is suggested to spend at least 30 minutes a day and if you are a regular writer than writing for hours would not be an issue. Even it is suggested to those who have multi-tasking capabilities should avoid distraction and background noises. Writing can only have done in quiet or with some soft music. Stay away from smartphone and other sources of notifications during writing.


Writing does not mean that you have a pen and paper and start writing aimlessly or in blog writing, you open the blank screen and hit unanimously the keyboard’s buttons. Every writing has a special purpose and plane to deliver the right knowledge to the readers. It sounds awful when someone advice to “Just write”.

Web writing requires thinking, planning and even some new experiments. Experiments may include testifying new features of writing. This may adopt from other’s writings. The experiment may also include the innovative words and phrases, trying out some modern way of the start and ending paragraph styles. After writing a context it is needed to develop in a proper format for the better understanding of readers.


The best feature of one’s writing is its conciseness. Readers usually follow such writings that are concise and more informative from their perspectives. Writers should be prepared to get feedback from readers about his writing whether it’s good and not supportive from the knowledge point of view.

Readers have a broad experience of the quality of writing as they read many writers and they can easily distinguish the best from the better. If the feedback is in positive and appreciative in nature so you should just put a smile on face and neighed with pleasure than put some extra efforts on your fore coming writing because the level of expectations from the readers is going high from you and next time they wish to find something more than best from you. If the rating of your writing is not appreciative than you should not curse your ability, rather than learn from the mistakes and analyze what the readers are expecting from you.