How to Run Your JBehave Automation Testing Scripts With Appium?


In the modern era dominated by mobile applications, ensuring their reliability and performance is of utmost importance. To handle this, the combination of JBehave, a versatile Behavior-Driven Development framework in Java, with Appium, an open-source mobile application automation tool, emerges as an effective solution.

JBehave stands out in its capability to represent test methods in plain language, enabling collaboration among development, testing, and domain specialists. Meanwhile, Appium serves as the facilitator for automating mobile app testing across a wide array of platforms, including Android and iOS.

This blog takes a deep dive into the smooth integration of JBehave automation scripts with Appium. This powerful combination delivers a methodical and comprehensive procedure for mobile app testing, assuring that your applications deliver flawless implementation. 

Whether you are a seasoned developer, a meticulous tester, or a domain expert committed to achieving excellence, the combination of JBehave and Appium equips you with the tools required to meet user expectations and uphold the highest standards of product quality in the fast-paced world of mobile technology.

What is JBehave Automation?

JBehave automation refers to the practice of automating software testing using the JBehave framework. JBehave is a Java-based open-source framework that supports Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) principles for testing and validating software applications.

In JBehave automation, test methods are written in a natural language form that is easy to understand by both technical and non-technical stakeholders. These methods are typically structured using the Given-When-Then format, where “Given” denotes the initial context or setup, “When” represents the action being performed, and “Then” defines the desired outcome or verification points.

How does JBehave Automation work?

JBehave automation works by translating plain language test strategies into executable actions using step descriptions written in a programming language. It facilitates cooperation, transparency, and automation in software testing, making it an effective procedure for assuring the quality and dependability of software applications. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how JBehave automation performs:

Define The Test Scenario:

  • The procedure starts with the definition of test procedures or test cases. These methods are generally written in plain language and explain the behavior of a specific segment or element of the software.

Given-When-Then Structure:

  • JBehave scenarios normally follow the Given-When-Then format, which delivers a precise structure for describing scenarios:
  • Given: Represents the initial context or setup for the test.
  • When: Defines the action or event being performed.
  • Then: Illustrate the desired outcome or verification points.

Scenario Writing:

  • Testers, developers, and domain experts cooperate to compose these scenarios to ensure that they accurately describe the expected behavior of the software. These procedures are often stored in simple text files or feature files.

Step Descriptions:

  • Each stage in a JBehave system needs to be associated with code that executes the related activity or verification. This is done by writing step definitions in Java (or another programming language as per your choice).
  • Step descriptions map the plain language steps in the scenarios to existing code that interacts with the software being tested.

Test Execution:

  • JBehave provides a test runner that reads the written scenarios and their associated step descriptions.
  • During test execution, JBehave translates the plain language strategies into executable actions by invoking the related step descriptions.

Automation Framework Integration:

  • JBehave can be integrated with different automation frameworks and tools, including WebDriver for web application testing and Appium for mobile application testing.
  • This integration permits JBehave to interact with the software’s user interface, execute steps like clicking buttons or filling out forms, and verify the expected results.


  • JBehave generates precise test reports that provide information about which scenarios passed, failed, or encountered errors.
  • These reports allow testers and developers to recognize and analyze issues in the software.

Maintenance and Iteration:

  • As the software develops, test methods and step descriptions may need to be revamped to reflect modifications in requirements or functionality.
  • JBehave automation allows for easy maintenance and rerunning of tests to ensure that the software continues to fulfil its intended behavior.

What is Appium?

Appium is an open-source mobile automation tool that allows testers to automate interactions with native, hybrid, and mobile web applications on different platforms, such as Android and iOS. 

  • One of its standout qualities is its capability to deliver a cooperative API for various mobile platforms, allowing testers to compose a single set of automation scripts that function across multiple devices and operating systems. 
  • Appium’s architecture depends on the WebDriver protocol, delivering a seamless interface for managing mobile apps just like a user would.

What are the features of Appium? 

  • Cross-Platform Capability: 

Appium supports both Android and iOS platforms, making it a universal choice for testing applications on multiple devices and operating systems. 

This cross-platform ability simplifies the testing procedure, decreasing the demand for separate testing frameworks for each platform.

  • Open Source: 

Appium is an open-source tool. It has a dynamic community of developers and testers contributing to its development. 

This exposure promotes innovation, and users can benefit from community support and resources.

  • Unified Automation: 

Appium furnishes a single, uniform API for automating native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. This unified technique facilitates test script development and maintenance.

  • Device and OS Compatibility: 

Appium can operate with physical devices, emulators, and simulators. 

It allows testers to cover a broad range of device configurations and operating system versions.

  • Access to Native APIs: 

Appium provides access to native device APIs, allowing testers to execute actions that are essential for complete mobile app testing.

  • Robust Community and Resources: 

Appium has an extensive and dynamic user community, which indicates there are ample resources, tutorials, and documentation available to enable users to get started and troubleshoot problems.

  • Continuous Development and Updates: 

Appium is an evolving platform, that keeps up with continuous modifications in mobile operating systems and devices. Updates and enhancements are regularly released to manage new challenges in mobile app testing.

  • Cost-Effective: 

Being open source and widely adopted, Appium can remarkably decrease testing expenses compared to proprietary automation tools.

All of these above-mentioned facilities are available on LambdaTest.  

LambdaTest is a game-changing cloud-based testing platform that revolutionizes the world of web and mobile application testing. It presents a wide range of services for thorough testing across various browsers, platforms, and real devices. This platform streamlines testing by incorporating cutting-edge AI-driven orchestration and execution capacities, making the testing process more efficient and effective.

How to run JBehave automation scripts with Appium?

Running JBehave automation testing scripts with Appium is a robust combination to automate the testing of mobile applications, specifically for Android and iOS platforms. JBehave is a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for Java, and Appium is an open-source tool for automating mobile applications. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can execute JBehave automation testing scripts with Appium:

Set Up Your Environment

  • Assure that you have Java Development Kit (JDK) pre-installed on your system.
  • Install and set up Appium on your machine. You can utilize npm (Node Package Manager) to install Appium.
  • Download and install Appium dependencies such as Android SDK and Xcode (for iOS testing).
  • Make sure you have the essential JBehave libraries added to your project.

Create a JBehave Test Scenario

  • Write your test scenario utilizing the JBehave framework. Define the different behavior-driven test cases and actions in simple text files.

Set Up the Appium Driver

  • Create an Appium driver in your JBehave test script. The Appium driver permits you to interact with the mobile application under test.
  • Configure the driver to connect to the Appium server and define the expected capabilities such as platform name, device name, application path, and automation name.

Execute Step Definitions

  • Write step definition techniques in Java that correspond to the phases defined in your JBehave scenarios. These processes will interact with the mobile application using the Appium driver’s techniques.

Run the JBehave Tests

  • Use JBehave’s test runner to conduct your test scenarios. JBehave will read your plain text scenarios and execute the corresponding step definitions.
  • JBehave will report the results of the tests, indicating whether they passed or failed.

Analyze Test Results

  • After the successful test execution, check the test results to specify any failures or issues.
  • Analyze any failed scenarios and resolve any bugs or issues in your test scripts or application code.

Iterate and Maintain the Process

  • Constantly update and maintain your JBehave test scripts as your application develops.
  • Keep your Appium and Appium dependencies up to date to assure compatibility with the latest mobile platforms and devices.

Reporting and Integration of the Process

  • Execute reporting mechanisms to develop detailed test reports for better visibility into test developments.
  • You can incorporate your JBehave tests into continuous integration (CI) pipelines for automated testing as part of your software development methodology.

Harnessing Cloud for Appium Automation with JBehave

Harnessing cloud technology for JBehave automation with Appium is a robust approach to amplify your mobile app testing efforts. This method entails utilizing cloud-based testing platforms or services to run JBehave test scripts tailored for Appium.

To make the most of cloud-based JBehave automation with Appium, you’ll need to select a trustworthy cloud testing provider, set up your testing environment accordingly, and adapt your JBehave test scripts to function seamlessly within the cloud-based infrastructure. This method empowers your team to accomplish swifter and more extensive testing, ultimately leading to elevated app quality and an improved user experience.

For this purpose, you can rely on LambdaTest, an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform. LambdaTest grants you the capability to execute Appium automation using JBehave on a real device cloud encompassing over 3000 real devices, as well as emulators and simulators. This comprehensive approach brings numerous advantages:

  • Device Variety: You can thoroughly test your app on a wide array of real devices, guaranteeing its compatibility with various configurations.
  • Parallel Execution: Running tests concurrently on multiple devices significantly reduces testing time, optimizing efficiency.
  • Maintenance and Infrastructure: LambdaTest handles the complexities of device management, freeing your team from these responsibilities.
  • Scalability: The platform adapts seamlessly to increased testing demands.
  • Geographical Testing: Evaluating your app’s performance across diverse locations ensures it functions well for users worldwide.
  • Cost-Efficiency: LambdaTest offers a cost-effective pay-as-you-go model, helping you manage expenses efficiently.
  • Integration with CI/CD: It seamlessly integrates with your CI/CD pipeline, automating the testing process and ensuring swift feedback for your development team.

By leveraging LambdaTest, you can streamline your JBehave automation with Appium and enhance the quality and user experience of your mobile applications.


In conclusion, conducting JBehave automation testing scripts with Appium is a robust approach for assuring the quality and reliability of your mobile applications. By incorporating the behaviour-driven testing framework of JBehave with the versatility of Appium, you can efficiently automate tests, enhance test coverage, and improve the overall quality of your mobile apps.