The Best Ways to Motivate Employees at Work


Keeping employees motivated at work and increasing morale is a challenge faced by many employers.  Employee motivation is key to the success of the company, so motivating employees to work hard and put forth their best effort can be a great investment in the company’s bottom line.  There are many incentives and rewards that companies use to motivate employees.  Some are intrinsic, and some are financial in nature.  Finding the right balance of tangible and intangible rewards is the key to motivating employees on the job.

Praise and Recognition

Thanking employees and praising them for their work is one of the easiest and most cost-effective steps employers can take toward keeping employees motivated at work.  Some companies implement rewards programs for good attendance, outstanding customer service or goal achievement.  Others publicly acknowledge their staff for their hard work and excellence in the workplace.  Many workers report that public acknowledgement for the work they perform is more valuable than monetary incentives.

Workplace Atmosphere

Providing employees with a supportive and comfortable workplace is a great way to keep their spirits uplifted and their productivity level high.  Provide them with comfortable chairs, desks large enough to accommodate their personal effects and comfortable computer workstations.  Outfitting the office with gourmet coffee, free snacks and drinks and ample kitchen areas helps them to recharge and perform better.  Some companies have amenities such as on-site fitness centers, cafeterias and daycare centers.

Flexibility and Work/Life Balance

Employees who are able to effectively balance work and home life are more likely to stick with the company and be motivated to produce more work.  Perks such as telecommuting, job sharing and flexible scheduling provide the employee with an added incentive to do his or her best work.  Other perks such as extended maternity and paternity leave, accommodation for nursing mothers and access to mental health services provide excellent motivation for your employees.  In addition, offering employees opportunities to further their education through tuition reimbursement goes a long way in securing employee loyalty.  Provide them with training in other departments like msn to nurse practitioner to increase their motivation as well as their skill set.

Monetary Incentives

Offering your employees bonuses, profit sharing and commissions is a great method of keeping employees motivated at work.  Consider a monthly or quarterly incentive such as a trip, a luxury item or vacation time for excellent work.  Make sure to set the bar high to encourage employees to do their best.

There are many ways to motivate your employees, both through monetary and non-monetary incentives. Encouraging your employees to do their best through praise and recognition is the easiest way to motivate them.  In addition, there are many programs and services that will inspire them to do their best.  When people love what they do, they will consistently perform at their top level.