Startup & Small Business Marketing Tips


Startup & Small Business Marketing Tips

One of the most challenging tasks of the small business is marketing their products and services. Though the products are innovative, differentiated, low priced and beneficial then also it is very tough to market these products because of the lack of brand image, lack of customer awareness, and lack of financial resources to promote the products and services. Among all these factors, lack of finance is playing a major role in the marketing of products and services. Modern marketers are using many innovative ideas to promote their business without investing lots of money. Here are some simple marketing tips any business person can use such simple techniques which can definitely promote the startup or small business.

Market Survey

If the marketers want to know the current trend, changing market situations, tastes, preferences, and demands of the customers. Then they should listen to the customers and they should analyze the customer’s opinions and feedback. It is only possible through a simple market survey. What is a simple market survey? Simple means not a survey within the limited demographic group. It is an effective survey by using cheaper and faster methods. Using the internet is the best method for identifying potential customers in order to conduct surveys quicker and faster.

Focus Groups

A focus group is a demographically diverse group of customers where reactions, perceptions, beliefs, opinions and attitudes towards a particular product’s concept and packaging, etc are studied by conducting an interview in order to take strategic decisions to create a positive attitude towards products and to promote the products. Applying this technique is more suitable for startups or small businesses. Very little expenses or negligible expenses are common in conducting such interviews with the potential group of customers.

Send a Weekly E-Mail

If startup or small business people want to stay in a good relationship with the potential customers then it is recommended to send less frequent e-mails, it can grasp the reader’s attention and can create an interest in receiving emails. If the messages are more frequent and repetitive then the customers may ignore or develop a negative attitude towards the products. This is a well known and simple technique but the thing to remember is less frequent, more creative, and attractive; more importantly, the information should carry a beneficial information such as information regarding new arrivals, offers, and benefits, etc.

Share your knowledge

Choosing a topic related to the benefits of the products or related hot topics of the industry and spreading it through various channels of communication can grasp the customer attention. Knowledge sharing can be done through YouTube tutorials, webinars, personal messages, blogs or by speaking at local conferences, etc helps in creating a better brand positioning in the minds of the customers. It maximizes the trustworthiness, loyalty, and familiarity in the target customer groups.

Get a Google My Business account

By getting a Google my business account marketers can set company’s contact information, working hours, directions on Google search and maps. Make sure that the business information is accurate, because when customers search for a particular need then your product should appear front and center. It is one of the best methods to guide the customers to find you easily. More importantly, anyone can use these services for free.

Be unique

Marketing strategies should be unique in order to highlight the benefits of the products. A long list of benefits and product features which are similar to the Competitors may cause information overload in the minds of the customers and it leads to misinterpretations and confusions. In such a condition customers may not focus on the key benefits provided by the product. So describe simple, catchy and unique for better marketing works.

Use Guerrilla Marketing Strategy

Guerrilla marketing strategy is one of the best innovative and cheaper marketing tools. It can be seen anywhere and on anything; it can bring out the skills and innovativeness of the marketers by motivating them with its excellent results. These strategies include leaving sticky notes at coffee shops and restaurants, using sidewalk places for product promotion, wild posting, creative approaches and unconventional techniques of advertisements at shopping malls, parks, and crowded places, etc.

Get rid of customer confusions

While purchasing products customers should not get confused due to the over information of various similar products, because of this they may postpone or avoid purchases. So that guiding and helping customers to pick the right products for their particular need can reduce their fatigue in choosing and purchasing products.