Four Tips for Creating Effective Guest Posts in 2017


Guest posting may not be as popular as it once was, however, it’s certainly not a ‘dead’ marketing method. In fact, guest posting is just as effective as ever. The difference is that bloggers, business owners and marketers have had to adjust their guest posting methods to keep up with reader demand.

So, what can you do to create effective guest posts today? Let’s find out!

Tip #1. Choose the Right Blogs

It doesn’t matter how popular a blog is, where they rank in Google, or their Alexa ranking if the niche is a million miles away from yours. When you create a guest post, always remember that the main aim is to attract new customers over to your website.

So, pick an assortment of blogs that have a similar target audience to your own. For example, if you sell smartphones and tablets, you have a wide range of blog niches to choose from, since everybody uses them. On the other hand, if you sell a product in a narrower niche, you’ll need to make sure that you’re choosing blogs to suit.

Tip #2. Forget About Keywords

Yes – seriously. Whilst keywords may still play a part in creating high-ranking content, the main thing that both readers and search engines are looking out for today is quality. And, it’s incredibly difficult to create a high-quality guest post that’s stuffed with keywords.

More importantly: don’t worry too much about keyword links in the content. Telling your new readers who you are and where to find your site in your bio can be just as effective, if not more.

Tip #3. Create Catchy Headlines

Creating a post for a high-authority blog is one of the best ways to get your content and your brand out there in front of a wider target audience. However, be aware that good blogs are always producing regular fresh content for their readers, so it’s important to make sure that yours gets noticed.

A catchy headline is the way to do this – in general, headlines should be short, sweet and to the point. Longer titles often get cut off in search results, so be aware of this if you need to use more than 65 characters. Use adjectives to make your headline stand out, and word them so that they play on your readers’ curiosity. Always be honest, though – misleading your readers is click-bait and won’t go down well.

Tip #4. Engage in the Comments

When guest posting, one of the biggest mistakes that you can make is to post your article then forget about it. Instead, check back regularly so that you can engage with your readers in the comments section.

Not only is this good for the blog’s audience, it’s a great way to get to know new potential customers and shows the blog owner that you care – always handy when it comes to securing a second or third guest posting opportunity.

High-quality, informational guest posts are still very much alive!