Important Things You Need to Know Before You Start a Blog


Does the thought of creating a website interest you? Have you asked yourself why you want to learn how to start a blog?

Most people dream of having a blog of their own for several reasons. They want to tell people about the places they’ve been to, share their personal interests, and make money by selling products.

If you’re ready to get started today, there are things you should know or understand to help you succeed in blogging. I hope this article can serve as a useful guide.

Read on.

  1. You can create a blog for free.

If you’re okay with not having your own domain name, then you can blog right away for free. There are plenty of free blogging platforms to choose from, with being the most popular.

The best part about WordPress is that you don’t need to have coding knowledge to tweak your free site with themes. Plus, you get to follow and interact with likeminded people in the WordPress community.

However, if you’re serious about building a professional image, then a self-hosted WordPress blog is the way to go. You must pay for your domain name, host, plugins, and email service.

  1. Blogging requires hard work.

Starting a WordPress blog might be easy, but doing the work of creating regular content is a real struggle. You don’t just create content, you create great content that people would actually want to read.

If you’re just creating useless stuff for the sake of publishing, what’s the point of blogging? It is also heartbreaking knowing that no one even cared to interact with your blog post after you’ve spent the entire night writing it.

Successful bloggers have gotten to where they are now because of their persistence. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. As you continue writing about different topics, you will come across audiences who genuinely appreciate your ideas.

  1. You need great visuals.

Part of learning how to start a blog is adding compelling visuals that make your post more interesting. Unless you’re going to use photos you’ve taken yourself, you’ll have to source images from free stock photo sites like Pixabay.

Having some images in your blog posts conveys your messages better, entice people to click through, add length to your posts, and help drive traffic from search engines (if you know how to optimize them).

Remember to find a featured image that’s relevant to your topic. This gives people a better idea what you’re writing about. You can also use free photo editors to brand your images and add quotes.

  1. Blogging helps you land a job.

Anyone can claim to be a proficient writer but not everyone can prove it. Knowing how to create a website and publishing blog content under your name are a great way to show off your writing skill.

This is especially important if you want to get hired by a company that’s within your field of interest. For example, if you’re into traveling, you can show your online portfolio to a travel website you’re applying for.

Resumes do not always reveal who you are as a potential employee. When employers read your blog posts, they get a feel of your personality. This helps you outshine other job seekers who have nothing else to show other than their resumes.

  1. You have to take the first step.

Believe me, many people who read articles and take courses on how to start a blog never take real action. They’re crippled by the fear of being ignored, overwhelmed with dozens of ideas, and feel intimidated by established bloggers.

If these are the thoughts and feelings that are holding you back, stop entertaining them. No one is going to overcome your fears and chase your dreams for you, so you need to start somewhere.

Lack of action is the reason why aspiring bloggers fail. Just take the first step that’ll lead you to more opportunities. Why not give it a shot?

Final Word

Now that you have read this article, you’re ready to create a blog. I hope these ideas give you more confidence to become the blogger you want to be.

Allow yourself to grow in your blogging journey by learning new things and joining blogging communities. Last but not the least, don’t forget to have fun!