Fun Promotional Items that Won't End Up in the Wastebasket


Promotional writing pens and memo pads usually find a useful place in life after everyone goes back to the office after a trade show. Those neon-bright back scratchers and cheesy magnets often do not fare as well.

Avoid having your items end their days in a trash can by choosing unique promotional items from Potential clients and customers will remember your business or organization for a long time if your name is on useful and unforgettable items that they can use every day.

People can never have enough USB chargers in their homes, offices or vehicles. For that matter, no one can have too many friends or too many flash drives. Enhance some of these everyday necessities with your logo and contact information and customers will always be reminded of you whenever they recharge an electronic device or share computer files.

A USB flash drive that can be worn as a bracelet is unique, memorable and eminently useful. For people who already have too many dangly things attached to their keyrings, this bracelet is a convenient alternative that will not get lost even if its wearer does.

Unique flash drives can resemble anything but a flash drive. Many now look like credit cards, which makes them convenient to carry in a wallet. Others resemble very posh executive-type pens.

The world is mad about smartphones and e readers. With a promotional mobile phone holder and cleaner that fits on a keyring, potential customers will see your company’s name and logo every time they make a call. A simple convenience such as this can make a client remember you fondly when it is time to make a business purchase or a nonprofit donation.

Out-of-the-ordinary desk accessories can make a hard day at the office a lot more fun. Imagine how much fun a client can have with a magnetic paper clip holder shaped like a skateboard. Checking voicemail while rolling it across a desk is much better than staring vacantly at the wall. A client who has one of these with your name on it will never forget you.

A classic leather-look pencil cup makes a refined statement on even the messiest desk. One that includes a small clock means your customer will not have to peek at his cell phone or computer to find out what time it is. And one with your business’ or organization’s name on it will be a reminder of how thoughtful you are.

Promotional items do not have to end their lives ignominiously in a wastebasket. Hand out some memorable “swag” items that provide value to your customers long after the trade show or other event ends.

Author bio. : Jane Doe uses many unique promotional items. Although many companies provide promotional products, Far From Boring promotional items are very valuable.