Important things to remember when creating your own leaflets


Entice your readers and encourage them to read the rest of your leaflet by creating a catchy headline.

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Although business owners have endless options when it comes to marketing their products and services, many still favour the traditional methods like leaflet marketing. One of the reasons leaflet marketing is so popular is because it is quick, easy and inexpensive, especially if you plan on designing your own leaflets. Here we will outline some of the most important things you need to remember if you are creating your own leaflets.


A catchy headline

Too many people make the mistake of using their company name as the headline of their leaflets. Your headline needs to be strong, powerful and attention grabbing. It should entice your audience and encourage them to keep reading. It is easily the most important part of your leaflet, as if readers are not captivated by it, they will not read the rest of your content.


Call to action

It is important that your marketing leaflet tells people what you want them to do and gives them a clear call to action. This may be visiting your store, signing up to your service, getting a free quote online or making a telephone booking. It is important that you include a clear call to action on your leaflet and that it is easy for readers to identify.


Make it snappy

Your leaflet must convey your chosen message with immediacy and clarity. Copy should not be presented in bulky paragraphs, as this can be extremely off-putting for readers. Instead make short and snappy statements using bullet points and headings to break up the text.


Strong images

Avoid overwhelming your readers with too much text by including a couple of strong images to use on your leaflet. Images will act as visual aids and should compliment your copy and reinforce the message. Where possible, use your own images, as stock images can be perceived as unprofessional and lazy. If you want people to visit your brick and mortar store, be sure to include a map and directions to make it as easy as possible for them to find you.


Your company branding

It is essential that you keep your leaflet design consistent with your existing company branding. You should use your company colours and ensure that your logo has a prominent position on your leaflet. The tone of your content should also be consistent with the copy featured on your website and social media pages. Keeping your marketing materials consistent will help to strengthen your brand image.

own leaflet

Always proofread your leaflets before sending them for printing or distribution.

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Proofread and proofread again!

It is no good sending your leaflets to your printer or leaflet distributor only to realise that you have made a mistake. When you have finished designing your leaflets, make sure you proofread them and get someone else to do it for you too. They may be able to spot mistakes that you have missed!

It is important that your marketing leaflets do not have any spelling or grammar mistakes as this can make your company look unprofessional to customers. You also need to check that you have included the correct prices for your products and that the information you have provided is accurate, to prevent accidentally misleading customers. Make sure that your address and contact information is correct so that customers can get in touch if they need to.



Whilst there is nothing wrong with creating your own leaflets, it is important to make sure that you include all of the necessary content in order for them to serve their purpose. Keep in mind these design tips when creating your leaflets and you are guaranteed to end up with marketing materials you are proud of.


Image credits: the justified sinner & vapour trail