AWS Solution Architect Roles and Responsibilities


An AWS Solution Architect is a highly sought-after position among software development teams. Their role is to build and integrate software products that meet the specific needs of the client. When an analyst has presented the project details to the team, it is the Architect’s responsibility to stay active and oversee the project throughout its entirety. This includes organizing the requirements and motivating/guiding the other members of the team.

With the help of a AWS Solution Architect, it is possible to deliver the solution within a given timeline and budget. Also, he makes sure that the solution perfectly aligns with the Company’s needs within Amazon’s cloud environment. So let’s take a look at key roles and responsibilities:

  1. Finding solutions that meet specific requirements

Companies have available data and integration demands when creating a system for their corporate environment. AWS Solution Architects have to analyze in detail how the different sections of this system will fit together when all components are put together. From their in-depth analysis, they can propose solutions that fit the company’s prerequisites accurately.

Therefore, Solution Architect interacts with salespeople and/or customers. These engagements could either be in-person encounters or taking part in phone calls so that the issues and requirements can be absorbed.

  1. Managing time and staying within project constraints

A Solution Architect must be mindful of the various project limitations such as time, budget, due date, quality, output, personnel, potential issues, etc. Additionally, they are in charge of creating product paperwork that details the top project characteristics, capabilities, duties, etc.

  1. Problem solving

An AWS Solutions Architect is tasked with creating solutions, providing advice on the most effective AWS uses, and estimating any associated costs. SA will be responsible for making a call on the right AWS service depending on the specific data, compute, database and security needs. Day-to-day activities may include designing and building robust, available, and fault-tolerant systems on AWS, as well as ensuring any existing on-premises applications are correctly moved to AWS. SA will also be required to monitor the input and output of data from the cloud platform. A bandwidth of advice may be required at any point, ranging from performance to cost, disaster recovery or security matters.

In other words, AWS Solution Architect needs to: 

  • analyze architecture
  • design enterprise-level systems
  • create and trial tools for the consistent provision of systems
  • develop, sustain, and control systems and protocols to guarantee top class service design
  • collaborate with colleagues and departments to set up a positive connection and data exchange
  • furnish a highly functioning solution architecture that can sustain the business’s development initiatives
  • map out, build, and arrange main business solutions as requested
  • produce technical reports and other demonstrations for various solutions regions


Now that you are familiar with the duties associated with being an Solutions Architect, let’s take a look at gaining the AWS Solutions Architect certification.