All You Need to Know about Slice the Pie: a Realistic Review of This Survey Site


All You Need to Know about Slice the Pie: a Realistic Review of This Survey Site

Slice the Pie is a survey site that allows you to listen to music and earn money if you give your opinion – sounds good, right? In essence, the site wants your opinion so it can give invaluable feedback to the musicians about how popular the song could be and about what should be improved or what should be kept. The participants that go on this survey site need to be serious about their reviews, though; the critique needs to be in-depth and helpful. Ever wonder how you might possibly make some money listening to artist creations? Here’s all you need to know about Slice of Pie: a realistic review of this survey site.

The mechanics

In essence, the site will present you with many new tunes – mostly from new artists – and ask you to rate them so feedback is created for the artist. The tracks themselves are limited to 90 seconds; you won’t be listening to the complete song. After that you’ll be asked to rate the song, and write a review. For this, you get paid.

How money is made

Your time is valuable, but so is your service; here’s how the money is made:

  • Writing the review – you’ll be asked to write a critical review of the tune, which should be 60 words or more. If you can type fast and have your thoughts in order, this should take no more than a minute or less.
  • Rating the song – You have to grade the song, giving it a score from 1 to 10.

Is it worth it?

That would be depending on how much you like music – the site pays about $1.80 per hour when you have just signed up (and have only one star under your belt) although the rate does go up the more songs you evaluate. If you like music, it’s an interesting hobby – if you’re unemployed and hope to make a real living, you should move on to something else. It’s a bad idea to do it for the money alone.

How’s the survey site?

Here’s the best news: the site is 100% legitimate and there are no hidden motives. For many – especially music lovers – listening to music and being able to earn money while doing it seems like a dream come true, and (to be honest) the proposition may seem like a scam at first glance. It isn’t – there is indeed some money to be made by listening to the composition of new artists and giving constructive criticism; providing, of course, that you are sincere in the review and take your responsibility as critic seriously. It’ll never replace your day job, but for those who enjoy music, Slicethepie a money-making hobby.