6 Ways to Earn Money with Your Blog without Losing Followers


Whether you are a constant blogger or an occasional writer, chances are you have given the question of monetization some thought. Blog monetization strategies are often on the minds of popular content creators who want to make their hobby a permanent occupation.

Studies have shown that 50% of bloggers use traditional advertisement to monetize their content – but is there another way? What makes this line of thinking normal is the fact that most bloggers spend just as much time on their online hobbies as they do for full-time work.

However, bringing monetization strategies into an existing community which isn’t used to seeing ads or sponsored content can be difficult. With that said, let’s take a look at several ways to earn money through your blog without losing the faithful followers you gained so far.

  1. Relevant affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing revolves around the promotion and advertisement of products or services relevant to your niche. For example, if your blog revolves around graphic design trends, you can easily promote products such as Adobe Suite or freelance sites dedicated to graphic design.

Every click your content gets will effectively contribute to your monetization efforts. Make sure to always outreach to sites and companies relevant to your niche only. Chris Mercer, a writer with Hot Essay Service and IsAccurate recently said: “Affiliate marketing represents a fine line between brand advertisement and traditional marketing.” Never turn to sites that have very little to do with what you blog about even if they offer plenty of money.

  1. Brand collaboration content

If your blog’s content tackles relevant industry questions with up-to-date information, you might want to consider collaborations. Companies often look for content creators who are ready to support their claims by offering them a monetary incentive to do so. Taking offers such as these will effectively make you “an influencer” or someone that “influences” his or her audience’s decisions.

Amanda Sparks, an editor for Rated by Students spoke about influencers: “Companies need influencers as much as content creators need companies to represent in their content.” You should collaborate on branded content only with companies and websites which you would use yourself. There is no point in promoting someone who you deem unworthy of your audience’s time or money.

  1. AdSense implementation

One of the easiest and sure-fire ways of blog monetization is to implement Google AdSense into your content. In short, AdSense will ensure that each of your visitors gets specialized advertisement content in pre-determined spots.

For example, a visitor with a rich search history about used cars sales might see relevant car sales advertisement regardless of your blog’s niche. This is a great way to use targeted advertisement with very little room for error and still earn revenue without losing followers.

If you choose to do so, you can also use professional writing services for your content. These services can seamlessly write, edit and proofread your content before you publish it. This will ensure that your content stays up to industry standards and attract as many eyes as possible:

Rewarded Essays – If you need content editing support, look no further than Rewarded Essays. Their website is designed with the sole purpose of pairing you with a professional content editor in as few steps as possible.

Supreme Dissertations – Outsourcing your content to another writer is never simple. That is why Supreme Dissertations offers not only content creation services but ongoing support in regards to blog content as well.

Citatior – An academic citation generator site, that provide lots of key information and resources to users.

Flash Essay – Lastly, deadlines are something that every content creator has to worry about constantly. Flash Essay is a content creation services which employs professional writers for very quick turnaround times.

  1. Consultation and coaching services

While it doesn’t fall under content creation domain, consultation and coaching can make you a lot of money if done correctly. In order to offer consultation or coaching services to your readers, you must first establish an authority in your niche.

You can do this by blogging on a strict schedule and by building up a following with relevant and helpful content. Natalie Andersen, CEO of Get Good Grade spoke on the matter: “Few helpful articles will always make a stronger impression than a dozen copied ones.”

Once you have an authority in your niche, you can start offering consultation in regards to popular industry topics. Talking to your audience and monetizing those live meetings is a matter of price adjustment over time. Consultation and coaching are easy to do once you have the necessary knowledge about your niche so make sure to check this monetization option out.

  1. EBook and course sales

If you prefer written content over spoken word, eBooks and courses are a great monetization alternative. You can create how-to guides, tutorials and helpful tips in the form of digitally published content and sell those for a profit. This type of monetization lies entirely in your ability to sell content effectively.

No reader will give you their money if what you have to offer doesn’t include exclusive information or resources unavailable anywhere else. Research your industry and niche carefully before creating eBooks or courses which you intend to sell for money via your blog.

  1. Outsourced guest content

Lastly, you can always outsource your writing skills to other niche blogs and link the content back to your articles. In doing so, you will create a network of interlinked articles across the major content providers and still make some money in return. Every piece of content you create will be paid for by the site administrators you chose to work for.

Once the content is published and available for reading people will unavoidably come across the links to your own blog. Thus you will not only make money by outsourcing your writing skills but also grow your follower base through other sites you affiliated yourself with.

Long-form monetization (Conclusion)

Blog monetization is an ongoing project that doesn’t start or end overnight. This is especially true if you want to maintain your follower base and only grow it overtime without losing momentum. Make sure that you have ample time and patience available for setting up your monetization strategies.

It’s also a good idea to have some money on the side while your ad revenue trickles in. Once everything “clicks” in place, you will have an efficient and reliable source of money that you can count on passively.