Ways through Which Mobile – Voice – Social Media Changing Search Engine Optimization


Inbound marketers are into a real fight for ‘being found’ in the ocean of online businesses. Being searchable is the key to success of inbound marketing, and this is not such an easy thing to achieve in the strict and stringent search engine assessments. The preferences of the consumers and their online habits keep on changing day by day, which pave way to the emergence of new and innovative technologies.

As per the CRISIL reports of 2016, 70% of the new-age marketers agree to the fact that enhancing the SEO performance is there on top of their priorities for this year and the next. As Google’s algorithm is getting more streamlined towards favouring text-based info for both desktop as well as for mobile, achieving SEO success demands these marketers to change their focus to new avenues.

A confusing arena

Even though everyone is aware of this shift, businessmen are a bit confused about the right path to go forward. There are hundreds of questions being raised such as:

  • How about the scope of voice search?
  • Is it essential to do SEO for alternative platforms too as Facebook and other social media platforms?
  • How to prepare for the mobile presentation?

Things are getting more diversified as users have now reached up to a point where it is not just Google, but a myriad of unconventional search engines as social networking platforms, personal assistants like Cortana and Siri, bots, and short messaging apps play vital.

People change, their preferences change, technology changes, and it means the inbound marketers and their strategies also need to change. To be on top of this tight fight of SEO, inbound marketers need to be equipped with many new-age tools and strategies. Here, let’s have an overview of where Chicago SEO is heading.

The future

Improving organic traffic is vital for inbound marketers, but it also needs to be considered that the consumers may turn more to the use of social media and bots to have a better user experience, personalization, and quick answers. This also mandates the marketers to adapt their promotion and distribution strategies in this line.

A successful priority list of inbound marketers set for the second half of 2016 and the first couple of quarters of 2017 may typically look as presented below:

  • Enhancing SEO and organic visibility : 65%
  • Social content management : 65%
  • Quality blog content : 60%
  • Content distribution & promotion : 50%
  • Marketing automation : 45%
  • Interactive content preparation : 40%
  • White papers & e-books : 35%
  • Visual content & graphics : 35%
  • Online tools : 30%
  • Product / Service how-to videos : 25%
  • Webinars : 20%

Social content acceptance is on a consistent raise as for example the Facebook searches comes to about 2 billion, whereas the Google searches are nearly 3 billion daily. Social content consumption has increased to a huge percentage over the last year, in which Facebook witnessed a 57% increase, whereas Twitter and LinkedIn had about 22-25% increment.

Mobile is the primary access to internet for every person now, which means the content format has to be strictly in an on-the-go format. It is predicted that mobile notifications are going to play a vital role in next-generation inbound marketing. Voice search and personal assistants are supposed to be another game changer, showing a steep hike of 40% growth over the last six months itself. These stats are ideal pointers to the marketers to be in line with social, voice, and mobile for their next big reap.

Author bio: Peter Gorden is the founder of a tech startup, and is well known among the SEO online circle for his blog articles and latest Chicago SEO updates. He has taken this guest post from one of his lengthy articles about changing trends in SEO.