Why Keyword Research Is Critical For SEO


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) forms one of the most critical aspects and a constant need in digital marketing. Even as trends are evolving, SEO stands to stay. After all, it’s only through the application of the right techniques that your website will stand to be competitive enough. It enables your site to land the top page results on search engines.

Of the many techniques that you can apply in terms of SEO, one of the most important has to do with keywords. This refers to the evergreen words or the terms that Internet users key in whenever they search on a search engine. For your website to land the top page results, your site has to strategically incorporate these keywords. And even further, for you to succeed in this goal, you also have to research the most appropriate keywords to apply.

That said, here are some of the most pressing reasons why keyword research is vital in SEO:

  1. It Helps You Determine What A Good Keyword Is

Not all keywords that you may think of are considered as excellent and effective. Unfortunately, there are words that you might mistakenly think of as good for your site. But in reality, they add no value to the content that you want to post. In this kind of situation, you’re wasting your effort to be more effective.

Especially when you’re still new in the digital marketing industry, it’s going to be difficult for you to decipher a good keyword from a bad one. Hence, the need for keyword research with help from SEO agencies, such as rankfire.agency. It’s one of the best ways for you to have that ample support for you to determine what’s to be considered as a good keyword.

For instance, through keyword research, you’ll be able to have better answers to the following questions:

  • Will these keywords help bring in more traffic to my website?
  • Are my keywords relevant?
  • Will Internet users be able to find my site because of these keywords?

If you try to answer these questions by yourself, you may only experience difficulty. But, through keyword research, the process will be made easier for you.

2.It Helps You Give More Information About Your Page

Even in this digital day and age, information is still vital. People are continually looking for information about anything under the sun. On the Internet, the information that they’re looking for are usually answers to their questions and common problems.

Through keyword research, you’re opening your page up to the opportunity of being more informative. It’s through this technique that the whole Internet will get to know more about what your website is trying to talk about, sell, or promote.

Remember, the way for search engines to know more about your site is through skimming through your content. When an Internet user keys in a search, the search engine only has a couple of seconds for it to load results. This is achieved through their crawlers that skim through the different websites that are offering answers to the matters searched in by the specific Internet user. What is it that these crawlers are looking for to know more about your site? Keywords.

3.It Helps You Solve The Common Keyword Difficulties

Incorporating keywords into your content isn’t as easy as it seems. It’s normal for you to encounter numerous difficulties in the application of these keywords. Especially so when you’re still a novice, or you don’t have a background, with SEO. Through keyword research, you can appropriately solve common keyword difficulties.

Some of these common keyword difficulties that proper research can address include:

  • Determining whether or not your chosen keywords will rank well in search engines
  • Defining the analytics as to how much of your organic traffic is actually using your keywords to do a search
  • Studying other websites that are also using the same keywords as you
  • Exploring what keywords other sites or competitors are using

4.It Forms The Backbone Of Keyword Clustering

One of the more effective techniques used now with keywords is through keyword clustering. As its name suggests, this technique involves grouping in numerous keywords to form phrases and a topic. This is a relatively way of incorporating keywords in your content, in comparison with merely using individual keywords.

Keyword clustering is gaining much popularity because it helps you optimize one single page or content, for you to have the best results in terms of ranking. The more keywords, the merrier.

But this isn’t to say that you’re going to apply keywords at random. Research is the best foundation for keyword clustering. It helps you decipher what keywords to group together. And, how you’re going to group them, such that they’re coherent with each other.


Keywords refer to one of the most critical factors that are invariably a part of effective SEO strategies. Without keywords in place, you cease to be effective as a website. Further, without keywords, what’s there for search engines to read and skim through?

Having the right keywords in place is the defining line that separates a website that receives high traffic and a website that’s suffering in terms of traffic. Keyword research is the key if you want to belong to the former.