Marketing Agency Project Management Software and Tools


Is your marketing agency still managing its projects on Excel spreadsheets? The advancements in technology have encouraged the development of business management software, which is of great assistance in outlining tasks and getting billing overviews. 

The selection of project management software and tools is indeed extensive. There are over 28 tools for agencies to consider using. These include Trello, Workzone, Redmine, Float, Workbook, LiquidPlanner, TrafficLIVE, FunctionFox, Asana alternatives and others. 

Have a detailed look at each of these tools below.


Trello is a popular marketing agency management tool that aids the visualization of project tasks on a dashboard that resembles cardboard. It’s excellent for managing quick and short daily assignments. Users can create multiple task lists, attach files and pictures to tasks, comment on cards, organize lists by priority or date, etc. 

The incredibly visual interface of Trello is what makes it special. It facilitates the management of daily tasks by making them intuitive and fun. Trello is the best solution for teams of small size that handle projects with no complexity. The tool is free of charge, whereas paid pricing is required for enterprise and business plans. 


Another project management tool used by marketing agencies is Workzone, built by ad executives with a long experience record. The goal behind the creation of Workzone is to assist marketing agencies and teams in increasing visibility of their work. Users can create individual, personalized to-do lists, create subtasks, and assign individuals to more than one task. 

Furthermore, permissions can be set for some users, such as clients, to gain access to tasks, files, and projects. While Workzone has numerous powerful features, it’s still easier to use compared to more complex tools. This software is actually meant to be used by the entire team. Pricing plans range from $24 to $44 on a monthly basis. 


Redmine is another well-known project management tool used by marketing agencies. Some of its top features include report analysis, time tracking, feeds and email notifications, a Gantt chart, and a planning calendar. It also enables project estimation, permission, and payroll management. Click here for some tips on creating a Gantt chart. What makes Redmine special is its nature as an open-source tool with Multilanguage support. It’s free, but you need to download it first in order to use it. 


Float represents a combination of team scheduling with an easy-to-use interface to keep constant track of everybody’s schedule. The top features involve task scheduling, simple reporting, making plans on a visual interface, and setting individual availabilities. 

Although Float wouldn’t be the perfect fit for marketing agencies in need of invoicing and CRM features, it’s ideal for any agency that has to keep track of the schedule of teams. The pricing plans vary in accordance with the number of users. Float costs $29 per month if used by up to ten people, whereas the price reaches $55 monthly for up to thirty people. The pricing plan for up to 100 people costs $250 per month. 


Workbook is another project management tool used by marketing and creative agencies, helping them outline everything, from customers to budgeting. Users can plan their projects in Gantt charts, create invoices and quotes, save files to projects and comment on them, etc. There’s also a client portal that facilitates collaboration with clients. 

Moreover, Workbook offers comprehensive reporting and accounting features. It provides a set of tools for agency management, meaning all aspects can be covered. The only feature that might be disappointing to agencies is the user interface. The following link,, provides a clear definition of the user interface. 


LiqudPlanner is another prominent project management tool, which is excellent for teams whose time-tracking requirements are quite extensive. It’s worth mentioning that it was initially designed for technology teams. Users can estimate a realistic time range to complete their tasks, as well as comment on activities and tasks. 

Furthermore, LiquidPlanner offers communication boards that are task-specific. The methods it uses for creative project management are different compared to other tools. Teams are enabled to set realistic deadlines based on worst-case and best-case scenarios. The standard pricing plan costs $29 per user a month for up to fifty projects. The professional plan costs $39 per user a month for up to 300 projects. 


The mission of TrafficLIVE is to free up time for the teams of agencies to devote themselves to the things they perform best, referring to creative projects. The features of this tool allow assigning and splitting tasks, contact management, planning time and resources, etc. Besides providing an excellent overview of schedules and tasks, TrafficLIVE helps agencies to manage billing and expenses. 


FunctionFox is considered an excellent management tool by marketing agencies, owing to its simple user interface and handy features. Users can compare actual figures to estimated budgets, create to-do lists, schedule tasks, and meetings. FunctionFox also allows users to create a visualized dashboard, which can be customized to personal preferences. 

In terms of pricing, the classic plan costs $5 per user a month, but the first user is charged $35. In contrast, the Premier plan costs $10 a month, while the in-house plan for teams is $15 per user on a monthly basis. 

The bottom line

Each software program is unique, just like creative agencies. 

Make sure to match the right tool with the requirements of your marketing agency!