Underrated SEO Tactics That Can Help Your Website


There are common SEO tactics out there that everyone knows about already. We are talking about using low-competition keys and creating new content on a regular basis. Of course, these are tactics that are common for a reason; they can achieve positive results and improve your Google rankings.

But, it is sometimes important to mix things up and try out new SEO tactics too. Using a variety of them in your strategy could achieve even better results than you imagined. In particular, there are some that are underrated yet can really impress Google. So, let’s take a look at some of them to see how they could help your website.

Using RSS Feeds

Not a lot of people not realise that RSS feeds can be beneficial for SEO. This has been the case for a while, but not a lot of people use this tactic in their strategies. When you have RSS Feeds on your website, this is going to mean that others can automatically share your content. Read this guide if you want to gain a better understanding of why you should be making the most of RSS feeds. Google interprets this as a way of others saying that you are trustworthy and authoritative. This is exactly what you want if you wish to rank highly on the search engine results pages.

Internal Linking

Next on the list is internal linking. Now, you probably already know about internal linking. But, have you really being doing it? Often, website owners think that this is just a simple way to get around your website. Indeed, it does help you, as well as your visitors. But, it can also do a lot of good when it comes to your Google ranking too.

Internal links are going to be crawled. This is a way for you to say to Google that you have some fantastic content available for people to enjoy. It can be a way to spread link juice when they are done properly. So, add this one to your strategy.

Adding Subtitles to Videos

Do you have videos on your website? This can be innovative to engage and entertain your audience. But, they are something that is forgotten about when it comes to SEO. Ask yourself this question; do your videos have subtitles? If they do not, this is definitely something that you want to do. Of course, this makes your content more accessible. We are talking about people that are hard of hearing, as well as those that simply cannot play a video with the sound on during certain situations.

When it comes to SEO, adding subtitles means that Google can understand what your content is about. You are providing something that search engines can read and, as a consequence, that can improve your ranking. Yes, it can be quite time-consuming to add subtitles to your videos. But, the benefits are worth it. If you hundreds of videos, you can always consider outsourcing this task and someone can do it for you.

Optimising Titles and Alt Tags of Images

Do you ever optimise the text to do with your images? Namely, we are talking about the titles and alt tags. Perhaps this is something that you have ignored or that you did not think mattered when it came to SEO. But, it is actually a technique that can help boost your ranking and improve your website.

Namely, when you optimise your images with keywords, you are telling Google what the image is about. This can help improve your ranking for certain subjects on the internet. What’s more, when you do this, you are helping search engines understand what your web page is about and allowing it to be found.

Thinking About Navigation

Make sure that you honestly ask this question; it is easy to navigate around your website?  Of course, you want visitors to be able to find everything they need. In reality, a new visitor to your website will leave if you cannot give them what they want in under a minute. But, navigation is generally going to help your ranking on search engines.

The idea is that when navigation is simple and easy, Google is going to be able to find its way around your website and understand what it is about. When this happens, it will rank your website higher. Plus, when you have low bounce rates, this is going to work in your favour.