7 Best Practices in Amazon Listing Optimization


Amazon is a huge online retailer, making it tough to make your product listings stand out among the millions of other products. But with some careful optimization, you can greatly improve your chances of sales success on Amazon. Here are seven best practices to follow when creating or updating your Amazon product listings.


If you’re selling Amazon products, optimizing your listings for the right keywords is important. Including relevant keywords in your title and product description can help your products rank higher in Amazon’s search results and get more exposure to potential customers.

A few different amazon listing optimization software programs can help you find the right keywords for your products. These programs typically have a database of millions of Amazon keywords, which they use to help you find the most relevant and popular keywords for your listings.

Once you’ve found the right keywords for your products, you can start including them in your title and product description. Be sure to use them judiciously, though, as too many keywords can result in your listing being banned from Amazon.

If you’re not sure how to optimize your listings for the right keywords, plenty of online resources can help. Amazon also offers a helpful guide on their website that covers the basics of keyword optimization. By following these tips, you can ensure that your products get the exposure they deserve on Amazon.

Product images

Product images are one of the most important elements of an amazon listing. Images can help customers understand your product and make a buying decision.

A good image can also help you rank higher in amazon search results. Amazon’s search algorithm considers the quality and relevance of images when determining to rank.

Listing optimization tools like Sonar can help you optimize your images for amazon search. Sonar’s amazon listing optimization tool analyzes your images and provides recommendations on how to improve them.

If you’re selling products on amazon, invest in good quality product images. It could be the difference between a sale and no sale.

Product titles

Product titles play a crucial role in amazon listing optimization. A well-optimized product title can help your listing rank higher in amazon’s search results, which means more potential customers will see your product. 

There are a few things to keep in mind when optimizing your product titles:

  • Use relevant keywords that accurately describe your product
  • Keep it short and to the point- amazon allows up to 500 characters for your product title, but customers are more likely to engage with a shorter title
  • Use amazon’s search engine optimization (SEO) tools to help you choose the right keywords

If you’re unsure where to start or looking for help optimizing your amazon listing, contact an amazon product listing optimization company like intellivy. Intellivy has a team of amazon experts who can help you optimize your listing for the best results.

Product pricing

Product pricing is one of the most important factors in amazon listing optimization. A good price can make your product more attractive to potential customers, while a bad price can dissuade them from considering your product.

There are a few things to keep in mind when setting product prices. First, you’ll want to make sure that your prices are competitive. Please look at similar Amazon products and see what they’re selling for. You’ll want to be in the ballpark, but remember that you don’t have to be the lowest price to be successful.

Second, consider your margins. How much profit do you want to make on each sale? Be realistic here – if your margins are too low, you won’t be able to sustain your business in the long run.

Third, think about what price point will best attract your target market. If you’re selling luxury goods, you’ll want to charge a higher price than selling more budget-friendly items.

Pricing is an important part of amazon listing optimization, but it’s not the only factor to consider. Make sure to optimize your product title, keywords, and images to attract potential customers.

If you need help with amazon listing optimization, contact us today. We offer various services to help you get the most out of your amazon listings.

Product descriptions

Product descriptions are important for several reasons. First, they help potential customers understand your product and what it can do for them. This is especially important on Amazon, where customers may not be familiar with your brand.

Second, well-written product descriptions can help improve your search engine ranking. This is because Google and other search engines use the content of your product descriptions to understand what your products are about and index them accordingly.

Third, good product descriptions can also help convert potential customers into actual buyers. This is because they provide the information that potential customers need to make a purchase decision. If your product descriptions are well-written and informative, they will more likely convince someone to buy your product.

Overall, product descriptions are an important part of amazon listing optimization. They can help improve your search engine ranking, convince potential customers to buy your product, and help you sell more products overall. So if you’re not already including well-written product descriptions in your listings, now is the time to start!

Key features (bullet points)

Most online shoppers today start their search for products on Amazon. As the world’s largest online marketplace, Amazon has become the go-to source for millions of consumers looking for everything from books to electronics. For sellers, this presents a unique opportunity to reach a huge audience of potential customers. However, it also means that there is a lot of competition. To succeed on Amazon, it is essential to optimize your listings.

One key element of listing optimization is the use of bullet points. Bullet points help to highlight the most important features of your product and make it easier for shoppers to find the information they are looking for. They also help to break up the text and make your listing more visually appealing. When used effectively, bullet points can be a powerful tool in driving traffic to your listing and increasing conversions.

Backend search keywords

For anyone selling Amazon products, optimizing your listings for the search engines is important. This means using relevant keywords in your title, description, and backend. Backend keywords are the ones you enter in Amazon’s system when you list your product. These keywords are not visible to shoppers, but Amazon’s search algorithms use them to determine which products to show for certain queries. That’s why choosing the right backend keywords for your products is important. The right keywords can help Amazon’s search algorithms find and surface your products more often, resulting in more traffic and sales.

On the other hand, using irrelevant or incorrect keywords can hurt your listing’s ranking and visibility. So what makes a good backend keyword? A good backend keyword is relevant to your product and is something that shoppers are searching for on Amazon. You can use keyword research tools to find popular and relevant keywords to include in your backend keywords. Once you have a list of potential keywords, you can experiment with combinations to see what works best for your listing. Remember to keep your keywords relevant and accurate, as this will help you get the most out of Amazon’s search algorithms.