Should Your Company Do Video Marketing?


It’s not very difficult to recognize any reason why video is so well known nowadays. It’s a simple to-process design that gives our eyes a rest from the excess of literary data on the web. Studies suggest that most users consume over 1 Billion hours every day watching videos on Youtube. 

Furthermore, those individuals who are going towards starting an eCommerce store ought to have a total comprehension of using video as a promoting instrument. Video is flexible, and its content organization gives the viewer an actual image of what is happening. Here, we will discuss whether companies should do video marketing to promote their online presence or not!

Part 1: The Top 5 Reasons Why Companies Should Do Video Marketing:

Video Marketing has a lot of benefits to companies. Moreover, new businesses are emerging with the mindset that social media platforms can improve their businesses with the help of video. This section will discuss the reasons why companies should be doing video marketing in the current era.

  • Videos Improve Sales

Recordings can make you some genuine cash. The conversion ratio for sales is stunning when videos are involved. It can lead the customer straightforwardly to purchasing the item. Studies show that more than 70% of clients who viewed an explainer video about an item were eager to get their hands on the product. 

  • Video Improve Return of Investment

Videos give a decent quantifiable profit to the organization that uses it as a medium to gain profits. Creating a video is by no means an easy task. Much technical skill is involved with the process of video editing and imagining a compelling idea for the presentation. Moreover, video editing tools have made life more comfortable. The amount spent on such tools could result in a better investment return in the company’s product sales.

  • Video Improves Trust

Trust is the establishment of transformations and deals. In other words, the entire idea of promoting a product depends on trust and making long haul connections between the buyer and seller. 

Videos have a high probability of engaging the viewer/seller and igniting their emotions. Moreover, when a customer remains skeptical of buying a product from an unfamiliar brand, the video’s conversational form could help them push in the right direction.

  • Improves Reputation on Google

Video presentations permit you to build the time spent by guests on your site. Consequently, a more extended presentation assembles trust and signals web crawlers such as Google that your webpage has great substance. It helps rank your site to Google’s first page when someone searches for a product you are selling. 

  • Videos are compatible with Mobile Phones

Smartphones have quickly replaced computers and laptops as the preferred choice when they move from one place to another. It is easier to carry and possesses all the information in the world. A mobile user generally does not have the time to stop and read an entire product review.

The portability of the smartphone allows the user to watch videos on the go. Additionally, they are more likely to buy any company’s product from mobile phones than the computer. 

Part 2: How to Create a Powerful Video for Marketing?

Wondershare VidAir is the platform to fix your web-based promoting video foes. Regardless of whether you have been throwing an excess of cash for internet advertising or slumping due to utilizing below-par applications, Wondershare VidAir is your answer. 

Wondershare VidAir online video creator is planned with free layouts that upgrade inventiveness when making recordings for YouTube, Instagram, and your online business. If you need to take your online presence to another level, you need this stunning web video creator. 

Wondershare VidAir is custom-fitted to give you the simplest stage to make your online recordings. The intuitive yet rich interface makes for an excellent user experience. The Layouts available on the platform rearrange your work and spare you both time and energy. Just select a reasonable layout from the lot of formats accessible on Wondershare VidAir and tweak them to make a worthy video for your company.

Steps to Create a Video on Wondershare VidAir:

The tool is user-friendly. It also means that the process of creating a video on VidAir is incredibly simple. The steps are as follows:

  • Registration

To get started with Wondershare, the user must create an account to get himself registered on the platform. Afterward, you can sign in to gain access to the platform. Verify the account via your respective email account. 

  • Select a Template

You can now click on the template button, which will show you to the Template page. From there, you can choose the template that best fits the theme of the video. The templates can be searched via the toolbar provided above. You can click on the selected template and look into the dimensions of the template.

  • Overview

This is the final step in which you can do the main aspects of video making. With the platform, you can use videos, audios, recordings, and upload files. The editing area is under the template. After the editing is done, you can click on the preview button to finalize. Then click on the “Export” button to save it in any format.  


There is no doubt that companies should be making videos to do marketing that reaps the rewards in the present era. However, using a reliable video-making platform holds equal importance. Wondershare VidAir offers a great deal to empower you to make stunning promotional videos for your business. The tool makes the entire cycle easy and successful. 

Moreover, you can modify these recordings to convey them over any online channel, including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, among others. You will have the option to expand your traffic and position it without forking out a great deal of money along these lines. Waste no time and make the best recordings for internet promoting utilizing Wondershare VidAir.