Four Email Marketing Strategies Used by Brands to Improve Brand Loyalty


Benefits Of Using Email Marketing To Boost Customer Loyalty

Your business can multiply if you encourage your customers to keep buying your products and services. Your emails can continually create a positive, personalized experience for all customers so that they stay loyal and do not switch to a competitor brand. Loyal customers are also more likely to feel valued, even in franchise model by using best franchise marketing system, which means that they can also act as positive advocates for your business. 

In this way, they will be willing to recommend your product or service to their family and friends. Use existing customers to attract new ones who you can also convert into fans of your brand. So how can you continually use email marketing platform strategies to provide an outstanding experience for all customers so they stay?

4 Email Marketing Strategies To Boost Loyalty

Use First Contact/ First Purchase Emails

It’s an exciting moment when you get a new subscriber or a new customer makes their first purchase. But, following this, you need to capitalize on this initial attention that a customer gives you. You could do this with a welcome/thank you email that aims to capture their loyalty instantly. For example, after a customer has subscribed to Biossance, it rewards them with 20% off their first order. In addition to focusing on the purchase, Biossance’s first email also uses email to tell its story in this way. It aims to create an emotional connection with the customer immediately with its demonstrated commitment to the planet and its people. Then, the customer is also introduced to the perks of getting a purchase, such as free shipping and returns. 

Alternatively, your first purchase email could also be an opportunity to get a customer referral. By buying your product, they’ve already demonstrated that they have fallen in love with your product. So, why not see whether their love for your product can spread to new customers? You can incentivize the customer to give you a referral like the Allergy Buyers Club. This product guide or explanation email is essential for this brand as its product is unique. Next, the customer also gets a mini deep-dive into the product’s aromatherapy feature. Lastly, it gives this customer a 20% discount, but only if they refer it to a friend too.

Create A Sense of FOMO With Reward Expiration Reminder Emails

As customers receive so many emails in a day, it can be difficult for them to act upon an enticing reward immediately. Your business needs to set up automated emails that can create a sense of urgency to encourage customers not to lose their rewards. You can plan an email sequence that spaces out these FOMO emails a month, week, and then a day before. For instance, Course Hero encourages students to sign up for course Hero with the use of 5 free tutor questions. Although there is no expiry date for this offer, I feel that it creates even more of an urgency to use these questions.

Furthermore, if new customers are afraid to take advantage of this offer, Course Hero persuades them with a great customer testimonial. This testimonial places value on the speed and quality of the tutor questions. Similarly, Clear uses an eye-catching CTA of ‘don’t miss out’ and bolded text to convince customers not to miss out on the offer of $60 off.

Personalize The Follow-up Emails To Delight Customers

Personalization begins by putting your customers first so that they feel valued as a person. While you can use birthday campaigns to delight customers for one part of the year, what can you do for the rest of the year? David’s Tea shows you personalization at its best when it celebrated its 10th anniversary. Rather than just sending another reward to its existing customers, it shows how the brand uses the data-driven insights it collected over the years. They do this with an infographic, which demonstrates that the brand remembers where they first met the customer and what their favorite type of tea is. As a result, it establishes a human connection with this email and makes a customer want to read it. Once a customer reaches the bottom of the email, they can see two offers that made the thank you go even further.

In the same way, Airbnb has provided a personalized itinerary for this customer who is traveling to San Francisco. While their first email might have confirmed their holiday booking, Airbnb’s follow-up email offers a customer with relevant suggestions on what to do once they get to San Francisco. What’s unique is that the order of the itinerary also makes sense. You’ll want to eat after checking in, and most individuals do opt for a local tour guide on their first day. 

Providing value through a follow-up can also come in the form of asking for customer feedback. As Brooks Running Shoes wants to know more about the email content its customers would like to receive, it asks them for feedback on where they run. If you ask customers for feedback on services you send them, they will feel more valued and are more likely to open emails from that brand at that point. 

Additionally, Meetup sends customers targeted emails once they’ve created their group, encouraging them to organize a meetup. Then once you’ve organized your first Meetup, you are encouraged to grow your community by scheduling more meetups and asking for feedback on what you’ve already collected.

Ensure Repeat Business With a Loyalty Programme

When trying to keep customers coming back, you’ll need more than an occasional offer or discount. Instead, a loyalty programmed can reward customers, depending on how much they buy. In other words, the more they purchase, the more rewards they get. For example, beauty brand e.l.f. Uses a tiered-loyalty program to encourage customers to keep on buying. In this way, while most customers can expect a birthday gift, only customers who have reached an ‘icon’ status can get early access to products. This program allows customers more exclusivity and benefits depending on the amount they buy.

On the other hand, the Body Shop gives customers a choice; use the rewards points to treat themselves or donate it to the charities of their choice. As a result, Body Shop has incorporated their values into their membership rewards program. In addition to VIP benefits, customers can also connect with a business on a deeper level.

Wrap Up

Use email marketing to cement the loyalty of your existing customers.  Your email marketing loyalty strategy could focus on personalized follow-ups, more engaging welcome emails, or a tiered-loyalty program. While every brand needs to continue focusing on acquiring new customers, loyalty strategies help you focus on encouraging more purchases from current customers, no matter where they are in their customer journey.