Building connections to your brand by using video


The use of marketing by businesses to promote products and services is increasing every year. If your company is considering doing the same, then you have made an important choice in the evolution of your firm’s marketing strategy. 

Taking the time to recruit the right video production partner is the next step in your journey to producing effective video content for your firm. 

Finding the right agency to produce your videos

The first step is to establish what it is that you are expecting your agency to do. Do you want them to take a simple brief from you and come back with finished content for you to approve? Or do you plan to work with them a lot more closely and produce the content hand-in-hand?

Get the detail before signing on the dotted line

When you have decided this, make a shortlist of potential agencies. You can do this from carrying out an online search, or by using freelancer sites. Whether you are looking for a smaller freelancer or a larger agency, take the time to check out their credentials. 

This should include looking at a variety of the agency’s work and examining the technical detail. How effectively do the videos flow? Do they tell an effective story?

Carry out these quality checks on your shortlisted agencies before agreeing anything in writing with them. By doing so, you can ensure there are no grey areas on the contract, and that both parties are happy with what the other will provide and how they will work together. 

You’ve made your decision

Once you have chosen your agency and come to agreement with them, your first job is to brief them on what your company is all about. What is it’s DNA? What are your main unique selling points, and what gap in the market do you fill? Why do your existing customers buy from you, and what keeps them coming back for more? Who works in your team? What are their skills? And how will they use those skills to help the viewer solve the pain point in their business?

The answers to these questions and a fuller understanding of this type of information means that the corporate video production agency will have more chance at reflecting your brand values in your video. This can only be a good thing, and it will ensure the best facets of your company shine through to your viewers. 

What image do you want to portray?

Ensuring that your agency knows what image your brand wants to portray is perhaps one of the most important aspects of your brief. Injecting your firm’s culture and personality into your videos is very important, and it can tip the balance of whether a prospect gets in contact with you or not.

Look for a video production firm that has the vibrancy and energy you do, or seems to share the same taste and style. Although creative companies are very good at changing their style to suit their clients, they will also have their own comfort zones and favored formats.