4 Powerful Cause Marketing Tactics Top Brands Are Using

brand marketing

Cause marketing campaigns are currently taking the world by storm. With awareness amongst consumers growing by the day, these campaigns look set to remain a powerful force in advertising. Well known as a great way for corporations to show off their philanthropic side, cause-marketing campaigns provide endless opportunities to improve the world we live in, whilst also helping brands to grow. 

Cause Marketing Tactics

There are many ways to use cause marketing to help spread the word about a company. Today’s top brands are making full use of a whole host of different tactics. Here are some of the most popular cause marketing tactics to try. 

Nurturing talent 

For most companies, professional development training can come in many forms, most recently being more focused on learning and using work from home tools. But some exceptional brands provide training employment opportunities to those who might otherwise have struggled to secure a job, taking inclusive employment one step further to success. This is a great way of building support and raising awareness of important causes at the same time. 

Example: Chocolatier Harry Specters provides a fully supportive workplace for adults with autism. The company is well known for offering employment opportunities to autistic people, and also goes above and beyond to raise awareness of the employability problems that adults with autism typically face. 

Donations with purchase 

Many brands will donate a certain amount of the value of their products when a customer makes a purchase. This can really help to boost sales and establish a brand’s position as the go-to company for a particular product. 

Example: Turkish towel brand QuiQuattro is passionate about empowering women. The brand donates 10% of its earnings to an educational fund which supports Turkish girls and ensures they have access to a good education. 

Climate action 

Environmental concerns are top of the agenda for many brands, and with demand for climate action on the rise, we’ll likely see much more from brands looking to establish themselves as an eco-friendly option in the near future. 

Example: Watch brand WeWood sets itself apart with a unique promise. Every time a customer purchases one of its watches, the company will plant a tree. Since 2011, the brand has planted over 600,000 trees. 

Support for the community 

The Covid-19 pandemic had a huge impact on brands all over the world, but it also inspired many companies to join the fight and help out in their local communities. From fashion brands making scrubs and PPE to companies turning their attention to supplying face masks for the vulnerable, there were many examples of cause marketing in action. 

Example: Fashion giant Zara saw sales dwindle as the world switched to remote working, but it quickly turned this challenge into a new opportunity to do some good. Its robust supply chains were used to manufacture scrubs and face masks for healthcare workers, to help battle outbreaks in Spain. 


Cause marketing isn’t just brilliant when it comes to strengthening reputations, it can have a real impact on how consumers see a brand – and how strongly they choose to support it. Top brands are now going above and beyond to show their human side, establishing themselves as a philanthropic force for good in their respective industries. Learn more about cause marketing and how it works with Don’t Panic’s top tips for cause campaigns