Cold Mass Email Campaign First Steps: 6 Things You Need to Know


Before you begin sending cold mass emails, take these steps to put your best foot forward

Email marketing is not a new phenomenon. However, there still aren’t enough businesses taking advantage of the kind of engagement that you can only get through sending cold mass emails. Cold emails are designed to get potential customers to visit your website and ultimately make a conversion. However, many people don’t know what it takes to start a brand new email marketing campaign. Thankfully, there are more resources available than ever before to help you launch your very first campaign. Let’s explore the first steps to a successful cold email marketing campaign!

1. Find the Right Mass Email Service to Help You Get Started

Before you start gathering information, you need to find a service that can help you send your cold mass emails

Not every mass email service is made equally.

Getting started with email marketing can get daunting pretty quickly. That’s why the first step is to find a mass email service that makes sense for your business. A good mass email service should be easy to integrate, personalize, schedule, and report on the efficacy of your campaign. If you start your email marketing campaign without a mass email service, you could be wasting time and money on campaigns that garner less than impressive results.

2. Gather Some Loyal Contacts 

Tap into your existing contacts as an initial start to your emailing list

Your social media following is a great resource for your initial email contacts.

Research is a huge part of email marketing when it comes to identifying your target audience and creating a mailing list. If you are just starting out with email marketing, we recommend making lists of connections you already have. For example, you might start out by getting email addresses from close friends or social media followers. Then, you should set up a prompt on your site for visitors to put in their contact information to stay up to date. Your on-site prompt should have a strong CTA that incentivises your site visitors to sign up.

After you have a decently sized list of recipients, enter them into the mass email service of your choice. In most cases, you should organize your contacts into categories by how they relate to your company. For example, you can categorize your very first contacts into “close friends” and “social media followers” so you can personalize your email for each group.

3. Design a Branded Template

Now that you have your contact list ready to go, it’s time to start thinking visually

Start with a basic template and add bits of your company’s brand identity.

When it comes to effective cold mass email campaigns, design plays a big role in customer conversions. These days, cold emails are no longer just text. In order to engage your audience, you should include pictures, links and a clear call to action. Not only that, but you want to make sure that the email template you design accurately reflects your company. 

A good place to start is with your logo. Which colors are used in your logo? What does your logo convey about your business? What message do you want your target audience to get from your logo? Once you’ve pinpointed how to create a branded template based on your logo, you’re ready to start writing your welcome email.

4. Start With a Welcome Email

Introduce your business in a compelling and approachable way

Your welcome email should provide your customers with enough information about your company mission. Image courtesy of Omnisend.

When it comes to cold mass email marketing, your first impression is key. No matter if you start with a large or small list of contacts, you need to make sure that your first email hits all the right notes, or it may be overlooked. Here are the most important points you should hit in your welcome email:

  1. Start with a friendly greeting
  2. Give a brief company history
  3. State why you’re reaching out 
  4. Provide an offer for your recipient

An offer for your email recipient could be anything from a coupon to access to exclusive content. It all depends on your company and what kind of services you want to offer your email contacts. Once you’ve written out these four main points, it’s time to test out your welcome email.

5. Test Out Your Welcome Email

Before you send out your welcome email to your contacts, you need to double and triple check that everything is perfect

Be sure to get someone at your company to edit your welcome email.

Once you’ve constructed your template and email body, it can be tempting to send your email to all your contacts right away. However, if this is your first time, there could be some mistakes or missing links. To avoid missing out on site traffic due to an error in your welcome email, you should send a test to someone else at your company first. Only once they’ve given the “OK” that everything is working properly should you send the email to your contacts.

6. It’s Finally Time to Send Out Your Very First Cold Email!

Once you’ve tested your email, your last step is to send your email at the most opportune time

You did it! Now it’s time to further optimize your email strategy.

Now that you’ve gathered contacts and written your welcome email, it’s time to send it out! Once your email is in the inbox of your contacts, it’s time to pay attention to the data gathered by your cold mass email service. Your chosen service will be able to tell you which groups interacted with your email and how effective your email was in driving site traffic and conversions. From the data gathered by your mass email service, you can make alterations to your emails over time to optimize your content. Look at you, you’re already well on your way to becoming a mass email marketing expert!