Simple Advice To Increase Website Loading Speed


People that browse the internet right now want sites to load as fast as possible. Besides security worries, site owners have to always make sure that loading speed is as fast as possible. If the page does not load in 3 seconds, you lose a large part of the people that might be interested in buying something for you. This is why site speed matters so much.

Fortunately, there are many different things you can do in order to increase website loading speed. Follow the advice below and there is a really good possibility you will notice some drastic increases.


CDN stands for content delivery network and it practically means there is a collection of servers in physical locations from all around the world that share the site’s static files, like JavaScript or CSS. When a visitor comes to a site, the system identifies the server that is the closest to the physical location of that individual. Content is delivered from that server.

All large websites now use CDNs in order to make sure that visitors from different countries have a very fast and accessible visiting experience.

Use Adaptive Images

Around 60% of the weight of a website is usually made out of images. This is why you want to be sure that the images used on the website are perfectly optimized for online use. You can even adopt some new image formats like JPeg XR and WebP that would reduce the size of the image by up to 50%, all with literally zero perceivable image quality losses.

Review The Hosting Package Used

While you can make many different changes on your site, what you cannot change is the physical server used and the system that is available for you. Simply put, some hosting packages are a lot slower than others. For instance, if you use shared hosting, server resources are shared among hundreds of websites. This means that loading speed is lower when more people are visiting all the other sites. On the other hand, a dedicated option, like BGP looking glass servers, guarantee that your site is the only one on the server. This can drastically increase site speed.

Check the hosting package you use and see if some upgrades are available. If you cannot afford the dedicated server option, consider the VPS option.

Don’t Forget About Cache

With browser caching, static resources are cached and stored so they are then delivered much faster for the same visitor or even other visitors. A good cache system can tremendously quicken page speed and can even reduce server lag. As the visitor lands on a page, a cached version is displayed. The only situation when this does not happen is when it was modified after the date of the current cache. In this situation, a new cache is created.

Check All Plugins

A website can gain numerous features and increased functionality when plugins are used. However, when you add many plugins, the loading speed of the site decreases. Also, some plugins drastically decrease load speed. This is usually the case with many outdated plugins.

You can fix loading speed problems generated by plugins by first analyzing what you need and what you do not. Remove all the plugins that are not mandatory. Then, check those that remain and make sure that the latest version is installed.


As you can see, there are different things you can do in order to increase website loading speed. Other options are also available, not just those mentioned above. What is important is to monitor loading speed to make sure it is as high as it can be.