Can You Achieve Personal Success Like Billy Ryan in Fix Your Why


Self-coaching or self-mentoring are not as acknowledged as having a personal coach or mentor. It is recommended that everyone has one or the other of these professional guides to help us find what we genuinely want in our career and life, acknowledge goals, learn how to meet these, and help us on the path to do so.

Many of us have never had a personal coach or mentor but have still decided what we wanted and went for it, realized our dreams, and achieved our life goals. Billy Ryan explains how he did so in his book, Fix Your Why, an insightful look at his personal journey to success.

Everyone has the potential to accomplish what they put their mind to, the capability; many have simply enabled the process and allowed it to be sustainable. Someone can guide you toward the objective, but if you do not have the gumption to see it through, the process will have been for naught.

Let us look at a few pieces of how to grow toward success with help or following your own direction.

How Do You Grow Toward Success

Growing toward success takes wanting to. If you do not have a genuine drive to do it, you will not put forth a concerted effort to do anything to achieve it, either with a personal coach or following self-guidance. As he explains in his book, Fix Your Why, Billy Ryan worked diligently to achieve personal success.

He explains how everyone can do just that by resetting their thought processes. What are some ways to work toward setting goals and achieving your dreams? Let us look at a few steps to follow that path.

·        Fear will appear.

When considering stepping out of your comfort zone and into what is unknown, fear and anxiety will rear their heads. What matters is what you do with those emotions.

You can run back into that comfort zone or acknowledge that you are afraid and be willing to move beyond those fears to see what is actually beyond them. What is the worst that can happen? You might struggle to get where you want to be for a little while, but that does not mean you will not make it.

You will get there; it merely takes time, patience, and a willingness to endure some struggles. The priority is not to give up because the rewards will be worth the effort.

·        Positive thought processes

Negative thinking will prevent the possibility of moving forward. Many studies have shown positive thought processes correlate with achieving success.

Training the brain to push the poor thoughts out when they start to seep in and replace them with ideologies of reaching goals and thriving in life and career will better help you realize those things. It is vital to be conscious of these thoughts and not mindlessly block the negative thinking.

When you put authentic feelings into the process, affirmations can free you of negativity and help you believe you are capable and have potential, allowing you to move forward with ease. Learn how to motivate yourself for success at

·        Allow others in

While you are holding yourself accountable for personal growth and development, that does not mean that you have to do everything alone. It is awesome to have support.

Sometimes, a close friend or someone you trust can offer advice when you stumble or remind you when you forget where you are headed with your objectives. These are the people who will give you staunch feedback when you need it instead of telling you what you want to hear; that’s part of your growth.

These same people will let you know when you are on the right path. When you admire someone, that is both encouraging and inspiring, a motivation to continue, and everyone needs that.

·        Keep track.

You will need to track your progress, where you started, the milestones you have reached, and remind yourself where you want to go. Journaling is one way to keep records. When setting milestones, it is vital to keep them small and achievable to avoid being overwhelmed.

Once you achieve one, the next one can be more challenging and move up from that point. Those achievements should be rewarded along the way as your own source of motivation.

For the milestones and the ultimate goals, there should be clear-cut deadlines to avoid getting stuck. When you do reach a plateau, you can then adjust what you are doing accordingly. Go here for guidance on self-motivation.

Final Thought

It can all sound easy, 1, 2, 3, but personal growth and development, stepping out of what is comfortable, and deciding to go for a dream – the unknown, is frightening and challenging. Billy Ryan speaks of his personal journey in Fix Your Why and discusses how you can reach your potential.

A mentor or coach can supply instructions, but their guidance will only be sustainable if you are consistent and persistent if it is what you genuinely want in your life and career.

When you want something deeply enough, you will be strong in your convictions and strive to make the goals happen with or without a coach, and that success will last.