Motivation - Wed, 07 Dec 2022 22:59:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Be an Effective Leader in Today’s World Wed, 07 Dec 2022 22:59:49 +0000 There are many leaders in the world, but not all are effective leaders. An effective leader is someone who can inspire others to achieve common goals, who can make tough decisions, and who is able to clearly communicate their vision. Keep reading to learn more about what it takes to be a strong leader in […]

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There are many leaders in the world, but not all are effective leaders. An effective leader is someone who can inspire others to achieve common goals, who can make tough decisions, and who is able to clearly communicate their vision. Keep reading to learn more about what it takes to be a strong leader in today’s world, and if you’re looking to boost the leadership skills of leaders in your organization, check out the leadership programs offered by the Center of Creative Leadership.

Set goals and create direction.

Now more than ever, strong leadership is needed to create and achieve progress. Whether you’re a CEO, mid-level manager, entrepreneur, or just someone looking to be more effective in your field, setting goals and creating direction is essential. Strong leaders are able to adapt and pivot when needed, but they always have a plan and a goal to strive for. They understand that the pathway to success is rarely a straight line, and they are comfortable with taking risks.

Communicate effectively.


To communicate effectively is to be a strong leader. Leaders need to be able to build trust and credibility with those they lead. They need to be able to articulate a vision and inspire others to buy into that vision. Leaders must also be able to communicate effectively with their team members, exchanging feedback and ideas to achieve common goals. Communication is not a one-way street. Leaders need to be good listeners, as well. They need to be able to understand the thoughts and feelings of their team members and respond in a way that shows that they’ve heard and understood. Communication is not always easy. Leaders will face challenges and will need to be adaptable. They must be able to find the right words to convey their message, even when things are difficult.

Practice active listening.

When you are able to attentively listen to others, they feel heard and respected. This in turn builds trust and can open the door to better communication and problem-solving. There are three steps to active listening:

  1. Pay attention. Make eye contact, focus on the speaker, and put away distractions. This will help you to better understand the message.
  2. Paraphrase and reflect. After the speaker has finished talking, paraphrase what you heard to ensure you understood correctly. Then reflect back on what you heard the speaker say, to ensure they feel heard.
  3. Ask questions. If there is something you don’t understand, ask questions. This will help to ensure that all parties are on the same page.

Embrace positive reinforcement.


Positive reinforcement is a valuable tool that can be used to strengthen leadership skills. When used effectively, positive reinforcement can increase the likelihood of the desired behavior being repeated and can help to create a more positive work environment. There are a few key things to keep in mind when using positive reinforcement as a leader. First, it is important to be aware of what behaviors you would like to see more of and then use positive reinforcement to reward those behaviors. Second, positive reinforcement should be given in a timely manner, as soon as the desired behavior is observed. Finally, the reinforcement should be tailored to the individual and should be something that is meaningful to them.

Being an effective leader today is important because the role of a leader is to guide and direct a team or organization to achieve success. Whether you are one of the corporate leaders or mid-level managers, leaders need to be able to motivate and inspire their team, as well as be able to make tough decisions when needed. In order to be an effective leader, it is important to have a strong understanding of what it means to be a leader and what is required to be successful.

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3 Employee Retention Metrics You Should be Tracking Mon, 14 Nov 2022 15:00:03 +0000 There’s no doubt that employees are a valuable resource. After all, they are the heart and soul of every company, big or small. That’s why it’s critical to keep a close eye on your employee retention rate. The employee retention rate is the percentage of employees who stay with a company over a period of […]

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There’s no doubt that employees are a valuable resource. After all, they are the heart and soul of every company, big or small. That’s why it’s critical to keep a close eye on your employee retention rate. The employee retention rate is the percentage of employees who stay with a company over a period of time. And while countless factors contribute to this figure – from high-intensity company culture to even rigged employee award shows – tracking certain metrics can help you identify potential issues early on and take steps to keep your best workers.

So, what are the key employee retention metrics you should be tracking? Here are three to get you started.

Employee Engagement Levels

Engaged employees are more likely to stick around so it’s a good idea to keep tabs on your employees’ engagement levels.

There are many ways to measure employee engagement, but one of the simplest and most effective is the Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS). To calculate an employee’s NPS, you simply ask them how likely they are to recommend your company to a friend or family member on a scale of 0 to 10.

You can then break down your employees’ responses into three categories:

  • Promoters (9-10): These are your most engaged employees. They’re passionate about your company and are likely to stick around for the long haul.
  • Passives (7-8): These employees are satisfied with their job but could be tempted to leave for a better offer.
  • Detractors (0-6): These are your least engaged employees and are likely to leave in the near future.

Absence Rates

A second metric to track is absence rates. 

There are several reasons why employees may be absent, from personal issues to genuine health concerns. Whatever the reason, it’s important to keep tabs on absence rates so you can identify any potential issues early on. For example, a high absence rate during winter may point to seasonal affective disorder (SAD). 

To track absence rates, simply multiply the number of absent days/number of available workdays in a period by 100. You can then break down absences by type, such as sick days, personal days, and vacation days. 

Involuntary Turnover Rates

Involuntary turnover is when an employee leaves a company against their will. In contrast, voluntary turnover is when an employee leaves a company of their own accord, such as quitting or retiring.

Involuntary turnover can be caused by a number of factors, from layoffs to poor job performance. Once again, it’s important to track your company’s involuntary turnover rate so you can identify any harmful patterns.

To calculate your company’s involuntary turnover rate, simply divide the number of employees who were involuntarily terminated in a given period by the average number of employees. For example, if you have an average of 100 employees and 10 of them are involuntarily terminated in a given year, your involuntary turnover rate would be 10%.

High employee retention is critical for any business. By tracking metrics like employee engagement levels, absence rates, and turnover rates, you can identify potential issues early on and take steps to keep your best workers happy and engaged.

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5 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Civil Services Mon, 29 Aug 2022 19:39:18 +0000 People working in the private sector might not consider working for the government. Several misconceptions surround government jobs, from being labeled secretive to government servants disregarding the public and fixed working hours.  However, government jobs are far more different than what we believe. In terms of occupational roles, the public sector, similar to the private, […]

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People working in the private sector might not consider working for the government. Several misconceptions surround government jobs, from being labeled secretive to government servants disregarding the public and fixed working hours. 

However, government jobs are far more different than what we believe. In terms of occupational roles, the public sector, similar to the private, offers several opportunities. Government agencies employ civil servants in various roles, from graphic design to software development and engineering, 

Besides job opportunities, working for the public sector has several legal and financial benefits. However, before we discuss the benefits in detail, let’s have a look at the roles and responsibilities of a civil servant. 

When working as a civil servant, you are primarily concerned with regulating government institutions that provide public service and help improve the lives of citizens and communities. Civil service offers diverse roles depending on the specific department and agency. These roles can include but aren’t limited to collecting and processing taxes, upholding the law, and overseeing the criminal system. 

Every department has different criteria regarding employment. Besides certain requirements, an individual should also have some skills to become a qualified civil servant. Teamwork, strong communication, organizational skills, and efficient decision-making are a few must-have skills. 

A civil servant serves every class of society, allowing them to work in every field and helping the community prosper as one. 

If you’re a civic minded individual who aspires to impact the surrounding, there are several government careers to consider. From implementing government policies to maintaining law and order in the country, pursuing any role helps bring positive societal change.     

While we have highlighted the importance of civil servants, here are a few reasons why other than serving the public, you should pursue a career in civil services. 

Job Security

Government sector jobs offer substantially higher job security than private organizations. Working in the private sector comes with many risks, from downsizing to complete shutdown. Having job security is crucial, especially during challenging economic times. 

Unlike the private sector, the likelihood of public institutions closing down is rare. With time government organizations either remain stable or adopt new forms. 

Even if circumstances arise to dismiss an employee, they are given an opportunity to defend themselves. 

Retaining employees and valuing those working in the field for a long time is a priority in the government setup. What distinguishes public sector jobs from private ones is the fact that there is no salary deduction even if an employee performs poorly. As a result, such practices instill a sense of loyalty towards work and the organization in the workers.

Professional Growth

Many believe that professional growth in the private sector is entirely based on an individual’s performance or years of experience in the field. The same is not true for government jobs. The public sector opens doors for employees to advance their careers in several ways. 

For instance, those who want to establish a successful career being a police offer can start by being a rookie. From here on, rookies work their way up to the ranks from detective to captain and in the end police chief. 

Similarly, if your interest lies in the IT department, then by gaining experience in the digital space, you can choose to work in the cybercrime unit. Aside from career options, civil servants are awarded promotions based on their effort and overall performance. 

Paid Leaves

In private firms, the newly hired employee is eligible for paid leave only after working for a certain number of months. However, in government jobs, you can avail of casual, medical and annual leaves at any time at your department head’s discretion.

Federal employees are eligible to have 13 days of sick leaves annually, beside maternal and paternal leaves. Similarly, workers are eligible to earn 13 vacation leaves during the first three years. The number of vacation leaves gradually reaches 26 days with 15 or more years of federal service. 

Unlike the private companies that limit the amount of paid leaves an employee is eligible for, it is less of a concern for civil servants. 

Besides sick or vacation leaves, civil servants are also eligible for special leaves. These include harsh weather conditions, special elections falling on a scheduled work day, or civil service exams. 

Work-Life Balance

Finding and sustaining a good work-life balance is difficult in an occupation. Nowadays, the common workplace culture, especially in private corporations, is to work more than 40 hours per week. If not done, employees can expect to sit on the sidelines and watch career advancement opportunities pass by. 

In comparison, government employees do not suffer such a fate; instead, they have the freedom to create and enjoy work-life balance. While maintaining a work-life balance improves an individual’s well-being, it also maximizes an organization’s performance. 

The flexible working hours, telework, and remote working options due to the recent global health crisis create a laid-back environment allowing employees to relax and perform better. The work culture in the government isn’t cutthroat or requires employees to spend time on tasks outside of working hours. 

Federal government employees relatively experience fewer challenges when allocating only a certain number of hours to the job.  

Retirement Benefits

The government offers a comprehensive retirement package called the Federal Employees Retirement System to its employees. The system is further subdivided into basic benefits, thrift savings, and social security plans.  

Age and duration of service are the eligibility criteria for receiving benefits from the basic benefit plan. Only those are allowed to receive the benefits who fall under the category of retired, survivor, or disabled. Employees can reap retirement benefits from the basic benefit plan if they have five years of experience in the federal service. 

The thrift saving plan offers benefits similar to a private organization’s traditional 401(k) plan. The employees have numerous advantages as a part of the thrift savings plan. Benefits include saving a part of income for retirement, reduced taxes, and receiving similar agency contributions. With low-interest rates on the TRS loans, rest assured using the account for emergencies has minimal impact on your holdings. 

Retired, disabled, and unemployed receive partial replacement income as a part of the social security plan. However, to acquire benefits, employees must pay taxes and earn social security credits. 


Government jobs are not high on everyone’s list of goals because of numerous myths surrounding them. Well, everything you hear is certainly not true. The work dynamics in the public sector compared to the private is different than what you often hear. 

From flexible working hours to paid leaves and professional growth, the perks of working in a government organization outnumber the advantages of private firms. Besides changing the community for the better, the benefits civil servants receive also change the course of their lives.           

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How To Study When You’ve Lost Motivation Mon, 13 Jun 2022 20:04:27 +0000 Great tips for all students to help you conduct your studies even in times when you feel less motivated to study because of different factors during your academic years.  It is on a Monday, and you want to spend the entire day watching a movie on Netflix or scrolling through social media posts. Unfortunately, you […]

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Great tips for all students to help you conduct your studies even in times when you feel less motivated to study because of different factors during your academic years. 

It is on a Monday, and you want to spend the entire day watching a movie on Netflix or scrolling through social media posts. Unfortunately, you have to complete your pending assignments or revise for the oncoming examinations, but you do not have the motivation to do it. If you are wondering how you could study when you have lost motivation, you should always remember that it does not happen to you alone. Everyone at one point in time has struggled to find inspiration. Although it is challenging to keep yourself motivated, the good thing is that it is not impossible. Students should never forget that no person feels motivated to read all the time. Therefore, you should avoid depending on your feelings to complete your studies. Regardless of how much you try, sometimes the motivation might never be there. This is one of the reasons individuals need to have a studying routine and excellent studying habits since it will aid them in focusing on their academics. 

Companies like Peachy Essay offer students academic assistance. Therefore, if you find it hard to understand your academic paper’s instructions, you might consider asking for help. Generally, it is easy for individuals to scroll through social media posts or watch a movie. However, your assignments are almost due, and if you are not cautious, you might not know where to start. Unfortunately, the more a person starts panicking, the harder it becomes for them to concentrate on their studies. Although studying is a vital element in school, sadly, it is one of the things most scholars have difficulty with the most. You could motivate yourself to learn by creating a rewarding system, breaking your big projects into small tasks, and studying at the same time daily. This article will discuss tips to help students study when they lose motivation. 

Create a list of why you went to school

Numerous reasons make students want to further their education. Regardless of your reasons, it would be best to note them down on a piece of paper and keep them in a place where you can see them easily. Anytime you feel like skipping your classes, you should read the paper you wrote and remind yourself why you need to put effort into your studies. The reasons for studying could range from scoring excellent grades in order to secure well-paying employment opportunities to earning a scholarship. It would be best if you always remembered that no reason is too small or too big to include in your list. On the same note, you should keep in mind that you might not feel motivated daily, which is okay. The most important thing is to develop a discipline that will help you stay on the right track even when you feel less motivated. 

Change your perception

Most students are less motivated to study because they wrongly perceive that a particular subject is uninteresting. If you are among students with the same perception, you might consider making that boring information or subject more interesting. This is because it will make it easier for you to concentrate on your studies. It is normal to find some topics exciting and others boring. Unfortunately, some subjects will not captivate you regardless of how much you try. However, to excel in your studies, you must change your perception and give every subject equal attention. The beauty of changing your perception is that it will help you spark sufficient interest to keep you going. 

Give yourself a break 

Whereas some students can study for long hours without taking a break, others have a short concentration span. An effective way to motivate yourself to study is by giving yourself a break. In most cases, studying for long hours without giving yourself a break could make you lose interest in studying. You should include regular breaks in your studying time. As a student, you could study for approximately 30-40 minutes and give yourself a break of about 5-10 minutes before resuming your studies. The chances are high that you will concentrate on your studies when you know you will take a break soon. 

Create a reward system

Almost everyone loves to receive a reward after making a particular accomplishment. Therefore, an effective way to motivate yourself to study is by creating a reward system where you can appreciate yourself for the sacrifices you make. The reward does not have to be something big. Apparently, it could be something minor, such as taking yourself for dinner, going for a stroll with your pet, or eating your favourite snack. On the same note, you could create a reward for yourself at the end of the semester to appreciate yourself for the sacrifices you have made. The reward system has assisted most people in staying motivated; therefore, it could also assist you in concentrating on your studies. 

Study at the same time daily

If you have difficulty focusing on your studies, you might consider studying at the same time daily. This will make studying a habit. A good example is if you are a morning person, you might consider waking up early to study for some time before proceeding to other activities. If you are a night person, you might consider sparing a few hours every night to study. The beauty of creating a studying routine is that your mind will be accustomed to performing a particular activity daily. Consider using a daily planner if you have difficulty creating your study plan. Having a schedule will help you ensure you do not mix up activities since you will keep track of the complete and incomplete activities. 

In conclusion, there are numerous ways students can ensure they continue studying even when they have lost motivation. Scholars should always remember that these tips might not work well for everyone. Therefore, you should not do something because it has worked well for your colleagues. Instead, it would be best to spare sufficient time to identify what might work or not work well for you. In essence, there are numerous ways to enhance your motivation to continue studying. 

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Everything You Need To Know About Becoming A Mechatronics Engineer Tue, 07 Sep 2021 17:04:05 +0000 In the last few years, newer and advanced technologies are playing an increasingly important role in our lives. Robotics, automation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Cybersecurity are some advanced technologies that we have to contend with.  According to Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, our world is now living in the […]

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In the last few years, newer and advanced technologies are playing an increasingly important role in our lives. Robotics, automation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Cybersecurity are some advanced technologies that we have to contend with. 

According to Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, our world is now living in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This has opened up newer avenues of employment for professionals that possess and exhibit a technical frame of expertise. 

In this resource article, we are going to look at how engineers can elevate their work, performance, and financial remunerations by taking up Mechatronics. We are also going to explore how mechatronics engineers can get certified in SOLIDWORKS

If you are a mechanical, electrical, or software engineer looking at Mechatronics, you should be interested in the article. 

Mechatronics: What you should be knowing about it

Mechatronics is a very advanced and specialized discipline of engineering that is in great demand in present times. It is a multi-disciplinary approach to engineering that requires knowledge, expertise, and experience in the following- 

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Robotics Engineering

Additionally, knowledge of other fields like Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Cybersecurity is also required to become a Mechatronics Engineer. 

Mechatronics Engineers are required to design, manufacture and execute complex technical processes. Imagine the automation required in a car assembly line production process. Or working on a new and powerful smartphone that used AI, ML, and other advanced hardware + software integrations. 

In all disciplines ranging from heavy engineering to software development, mechatronics engineers are providing a great value addition. In the following sections, we are going to look at some of the responsibilities and duties of mechatronics engineers. 

List of 5 Common Responsibilities of Mechatronics Engineers

  1. Improving an Organization’s Internal Efficiency- 

A standard responsibility of mechatronics engineers is to optimize internal processes, workflows, and operations within organizations. This can be done by leveraging automation, using AI in decision making, and opting for data analytics that can help in improving internal performance and reducing errors. Creating ERPs, WCS, etc. are all part of the job. 

  1. Creating Prototypes of Design for Internal Usages- 

A lot of tech companies and businesses have a team of mechatronics engineers whose responsibility is to develop design prototypes. These prototypes are developed in areas where the business feels it requires them. If the same is successful, it is then pushed through a product development process and created for mass consumption of consumers. 

  1. Setting in place a Rigorous Product Development Process- 

Mechatronics engineers are called upon when creating new product lines or improving existing ones. In this regard, they use software like SOLIDWORKS to build complex interfaces, designs, systems, and prototypes. The purpose of this exercise is to ensure the creation of the best product that weds hardware potential with software prowess.  

  1. Addressing Problems and Errors in the Design and Production Process- 

A product that is launched for customers goes through hundreds of iterations from design to manufacturing. Mechatronics engineers need to address and take into account inputs and feedback from the different verticals of the organization. The points of the design, sales, marketing, testing, and customer teams have to be all accounted for in this regard. 

  1. Working on Feasibility Studies and Analysis of New and Existing Products- 

Businesses plan their product lines for the next five or ten years. A car that has been just launched in the market has been in the product development process for a good two to five years. Conducting feasibility studies where integrations of new technology can take place or not is the duty and responsibility of mechatronics engineers. R&D is a core component. 

The Bottom Line

A mechatronics engineer needs to be proficient in complex design software like SOLIDWORKS. This is why many businesses prefer engineers that have already completed certification courses in SOLIDWORKS. 

The average salary of a mechatronics engineer in the United States is $75000 annually. However, it also depends on the kind of expertise, certifications, and experience that you bring to an organization. 

If you have any more questions that you need to ask on this subject of mechatronics, feel free to address them in the comments below. We will be more than happy to answer every one of them. 

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Adam Ferrari Explains Why Good Leaders Always Take Sides Tue, 16 Mar 2021 17:34:07 +0000 Leadership is a highly sought-after behavior for employers and institutions. The world always needs good leaders to guide the way and make sure that movements can have the effect that they want them to. But what exactly does leadership entail? Is leadership just being able to get along with everyone, or does it require making […]

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Leadership is a highly sought-after behavior for employers and institutions. The world always needs good leaders to guide the way and make sure that movements can have the effect that they want them to. But what exactly does leadership entail? Is leadership just being able to get along with everyone, or does it require making hard decisions sometimes? Below, Adam Ferrari explains why good leaders must always take sides, even when there is the risk of receiving backlash. 

There Will Always Be Conflict

One thing that leaders will always have to manage is conflict. No matter the organization, there will be some friction, and at some point, it’s up to leaders to make the call and work things out. As a theoretically neutral party, leaders might feel like they are not meant to take sides in issues and instead are supposed to be an external observer outside of the dynamics of interpersonal conflict.   

The problem is, you can’t avoid taking sides on some issues. When the issue is personal, it might be best for the leader to tell the team to handle the matter elsewhere. But when conflict arises over who should manage a project or where responsibility for some task lies, leaders have to take sides to get things done. The inability to make a firm decision and come down on some side can keep projects or tasks from being completed. 

Think Logically, not Emotionally

A good leader can put their emotions to the side when trying to mediate a conflict between two people. Emotions can cloud your thinking and prevent you from observing just the facts of the case. Emotional thinking can also affect your judgment, so you do not render an impartial decision. Take some time to think over decisions so any emotions can subside. That way, you can make a more objective judgment. 

Solving Problems Requires Activity

A passive reaction will only make conflict and problems get worse. Failing to take a side is being too passive and can result in the issue boiling over into something even more serious. Picking a side and following through is how you solve problems efficiently. Partial acceptance and passive interaction do nothing to help anyone and can make the situation worse. A good leader knows when they have to make hard decisions and set a precedent so others can follow through too. 

It’s the Right Thing to Do

Sometimes, being a leader means taking a stand on some issues. Falling determinately on one side represents a kind of strength of character that anyone can respect, even those that might disagree with you. Sticking to your guns and taking a firm stance on some issues can help build respect with other people. 

Leadership is not easy and requires making some sacrifices. A good leader realizes that sometimes decisions need to be made, even when taking a side might not make everyone happy. 

image credit – Adam Ferrari

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Jason Kulpa Explains How to Create and Implement Sustainable Business Practices Tue, 16 Mar 2021 17:33:27 +0000 Sustainable business practices look beyond immediate profits and support a broader set of goals; they are economically viable, socially responsible, and environmentally friendly. Successful entrepreneur, Jason Kulpa, is a long-time champion of these business ideals; here, he details examples of sustainable business practices and explains why they are so important. Following these practices will help […]

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Sustainable business practices look beyond immediate profits and support a broader set of goals; they are economically viable, socially responsible, and environmentally friendly. Successful entrepreneur, Jason Kulpa, is a long-time champion of these business ideals; here, he details examples of sustainable business practices and explains why they are so important.

Following these practices will help your business create and implement meaningful sustainability goals.

Make sustainability a priority – For a company’s sustainability intentions to have meaning and survive long term, they must be a priority and integrated into all business objectives and goals. If sustainability is woven into the fabric of the corporate culture, it will endure and thrive.

The business executive in charge of the company’s environmental programs should have measurable results as part of their key performance indicators (KPIs)

Involve employees – Trying to push sustainable practices onto the workforce is rarely effective. Employees will resist what they haven’t bought into, and they won’t buy into something they don’t understand. Teach the benefits and necessity of sustainability to all employees.

You can get employees involved by offering paid time off to plant trees or pick up trash at the beach or a park. Activities like this will reinforce the company’s commitment to sustainable practices and create social events that help employee productivity. 

Conserve water and electricity – Every company can do its part in conserving natural resources. Invest in more efficient processes and equipment. If sustainability is a part of the corporate culture, each purchase of equipment, fixtures, tools, and supplies will be examined from a sustainability perspective. 

Support sustainable vendors – Having and enforcing a policy that gives preference to vendors that demonstrate a minimum level of commitment to sustainable practices in their business has a two-fold benefit. 

Your company will be the consumer of less wasteful products and will, at the same time, promote sustainability across the company’s vendor and supplier ecosystem. 

Recycle and use recycled materials – Recycling waste materials and trash will benefit the environment, create more sustainable industry jobs, and send a message to your customers and employees that being environmentally responsible is vital to your company. Buying recycled materials, whenever possible, supports other companies trying to do their part as well. 

Move toward renewable energy – Solar panels and wind turbines are becoming more and more efficient and affordable. Next time your company needs to upgrade its utility infrastructure, include as many renewable energy solutions as possible. If you’ve already gone solar, battery energy storage can help you leverage the full potential of your solar panels. By storing the excess energy your solar panels produce, solar-plus-storage provides a reliable, low-cost power backup option so when the sun goes down, the clouds roll in, or the lights go off in your community, you always have power on hand and savings in store.

Use energy-efficient products – For everything from light bulbs to electrical appliances and equipment, there are energy-efficient options available. They may not be the least expensive choice, but in the long run, they will be the best choice for both your company and the environment. 

Develop sustainability policies – Temporary programs, one-time events, rhetoric, and posters around the office will not carry the day for sustainability. Real enforceable policies must be developed and implemented company-wide. Every department should have directives and goals that support the overall sustainability practices of the company. 

If possible, hire or promote from within the company, a Chief Sustainability Officer. This corporate-level executive should be tasked with developing and implementing the company’s sustainability policies. He or she should be given authority to bring into question any decisions or practices that, on the surface, seem inconsistent with the stated sustainability goals. 

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How to search for Jobs when disabled Sat, 19 Dec 2020 13:18:53 +0000 Having a Disability Is Not the End of the Employment Road When it comes to job seekers with a disability of some kind, there are certainly more challenges to be faced while job hunting. There might be a doubt on the part of the person with the disability, as well as a potential employer, because […]

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Having a Disability Is Not the End of the Employment Road

When it comes to job seekers with a disability of some kind, there are certainly more challenges to be faced while job hunting. There might be a doubt on the part of the person with the disability, as well as a potential employer, because of the disability.

However, having the added challenge of a disability does not spell the end of the road to gainful employment, as many Australians with disabilities are currently working good, stable jobs and earning an income.

There are jobs for disabled people and in this article, we’ll look at some options to help you get into the workforce and lead a productive life.

Research Companies That Hire People With Disabilities

Some businesses and companies focus on giving people with physical or mental disabilities a go. Possibly the easiest way to discover companies that do this is to search online and see what comes up in the results.

When you do find businesses that offer disabled people jobs, study these companies to determine what you could offer them as an employee of the company. You might find you already have the skills or qualifications to seek employment with them, or you might need to undergo some training to be more attractive as a potential employee.

No matter what the scenario, it doesn’t hurt to reach out to the boss, manager or HR department and simply make some enquiries regarding possible employment with them.

Search Online Job Boards

It’s a good idea to regularly search for job openings online. There are numerous sites you can access to find current job offers in Australia. More to the point, you can input extra search criteria into the advanced search feature and see if there are any jobs being offered specifically to people with a disability.

While the options might be limited, it’s a way of shortcutting the process to see what’s available for disabled workers.

Some sites you might want to look at regularly include:

  • Seek
  • CareerOne
  • Gumtree
  • Indeed
  • JobActive
  • And more…

Use the Power of the Internet

In the section above we talked about going online to search for employment on various job boards, but that’s not the only way you can take advantage of the internet.

Just about everybody has social media accounts, whether it be a Facebook profile, Instagram, Twitter and so on. Why not put the word out to your network online that you’re a person with a disability, but you really want to find a job. Somebody might know of a position or a company that is known for hiring people with disabilities. Even if no one in your direct circle can help, they might know someone in the own network who can.

The more you can put the word out there that you’re looking for a job, the more chance you’ll have of finding one to suit you.

Plan Ahead To Address Any Concerns

Naturally, if you’re hampered by a disability, a potential employer is going to have a few concerns about whether you can do the job, or what special requirements there may need to be in the workplace to accommodate an employee with a disability.

You’ll need to be able to readily address these concerns and explain how you’ll be able to perform your job role, as well as anything that’ll be required for you to be employed there.

Therefore, you’ll want to think about all of this beforehand and have your answers prepared. The more confident and knowledgeable you sound, the more confidence the employer will have in hiring you and giving you a go.

Seek Government Assistance In Getting a Job

There are government initiatives in place to help people with disabilities get into the workforce. An example is a wage subsidy scheme, where the government pays a portion of your wages, giving employers more incentive to hire disabled people.

That’s just one example. There is actually quite a bit of help available if you do your research on it.

The Takeaway

Having a disability is definitely not the end of the employment road. You can find work. It’s just a matter of putting the word out there, being prepared, and taking advantage of any assistance programs that are available to you.

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Your Guide to Motivating Employees at Work Wed, 16 Dec 2020 09:12:40 +0000 Boosting employee motivation is a challenging endeavor to take on, particularly if you have to manage a large team of individuals. Companies are trying to look for innovative methods that keep the work environment healthy with the intent to increase talent retention and maintain a healthy workplace. If you feel like your workplace’s status quo […]

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Boosting employee motivation is a challenging endeavor to take on, particularly if you have to manage a large team of individuals. Companies are trying to look for innovative methods that keep the work environment healthy with the intent to increase talent retention and maintain a healthy workplace.

If you feel like your workplace’s status quo could be much better, why not rethink your employee motivation strategy? The steps in this article should give you plenty to think about. And if you find a particular suggestion to be valuable, implement it.

Step #1 – Introduce Effective Appraisal Methods

A lack of feedback may leave employees unmotivated. At the very best, they may settle down and stick to a regular routine, but not everyone feels that way. Some workers want to advance in their careers, and it is easy to start looking for another place of employment when the current one fails to meet expectations. 

A solid appraisal methodology offers more than just insights into how employees perform as individuals and as a group. They also enhance productivity and unite the workforce with the company’s vision.

According to Ahoyteam, there are 5 performance appraisal methods that stand out, and a business should try as many as it can until it finds one that works. 

Be it yearly or quarterly, having an appraisal method present in the work environment will encourage employees to respond to criticism. It will also help them find their place within a company and move forward without losing sight of their primary objective, be it new career opportunities or a salary increase.

Step #2 – Set Small Goals

The goals you set out for the employees do not have to be grand. Some projects tend to drag for months or years, so reaching even an insignificant milestone could feel like an achievement.

Once you cross something off the list, it becomes easier to move forward, especially if the next item is not that far away. It is a real motivation booster and one that helps teams remain on track.

Step #3 – Celebrate Achievements

Having smaller milestones means more opportunities to celebrate results. The hard work needs a reward, and this reward can come in many different forms.

A simple compliment on how someone did a good job can be the difference-maker between a productive week and barely making deadlines. The higher-ups should take such chances and applaud the success of their employees.

Step #4 – Aim for Positive Outlook

People who seem happy all the time may seem ingenuine. While there is a place for negative emotions, workplaces should encourage positive environments. It is no secret that working under pressure is already difficult, and negativity makes it even a bigger challenge.

A positive experience is an advantage. The Harvard Business Review research indicates that happiness increases business productivity and sales by more than 30%. It turns out that happy and positive workers bring better results.

Step #5 – Schedule Regular Breaks

If the team is stuck on a problem without a way out, sitting in front of a computer and looking at a monitor, non-stop is not always the best approach. Taking some time to relax and rethink one’s strategy could be just the thing to do.

Regular breaks are necessary for more than motivation. If you are stuck in a chair all day, expect to encounter some health issues eventually. 

Step #6 – Preach Healthy Environment

Speaking of health, it is important to have proper policies for employees that need some time off when they are sick. If you force people to work when they are not feeling their best, it will cause bigger issues than just a lack of productivity. 

Not everyone has the patience to work when they are unwell. The frustration that builds up over time will backfire, and working instead of resting will prolong the sickness. 

Implement flexible and generous time-off policies. You may want to consider letting some workers spend more time at home. This way, they can sleep longer as there would be no need to commute to work in the morning.

Step #7 – Be Transparent

People who have trust issues are unlikely to remain in a company for a very long time. Trust is one of the foundations that companies should build themselves on. Show your employees that they can trust you, and they will return the favor by acting more motivated.

Step #8 – Offer a Sense of Security

If workers are unsure whether the company can provide for them in the long run, they will start having doubts. And doubts beget the desire to look elsewhere. When someone is searching for new potential employment, do not expect that their head will remain where it should when they are uncertain about their future.

In addition to paying salaries on time, the workplace should also have other perks. Even small rewards like various coupons or gym memberships could prove an excellent means to motivate employees.

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How to Turn Dreams into Reality Hacks Mon, 02 Nov 2020 21:31:21 +0000 This works for all businesses! If you’re in marketing, consulting or coaching, this applies even more to your field!  “Your obsessions become your possessions!” Unknown  Get All of Your Senses Involved in Your Dreams Hack – Alex Dee Coaching – Your mind gravitates to what is familiar! A while back, we had done really good in business and I asked some of my friends […]

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This works for all businesses! If you’re in marketing, consulting or coaching, this applies even more to your field! 

Your obsessions become your possessions!” Unknown 

Get All of Your Senses Involved in Your Dreams Hack  Alex Dee Coaching – Your mind gravitates to what is familiar! A while back, we had done really good in business and I asked some of my friends where would be a great place to celebrate. They all mentioned the Montage hotel at Laguna beach. At the time, I was single, and I’ll never forget the weekend in this town. It was like paradise. It looked like a European city right next to the beach. The people were successful but not pretentious. They lived the lifestyle and were about enjoying life vs. just making money. I remember I told myself that I don’t know how, but one day I’m going to live here. 

Sure enough, a few years later, when I was dating Azy, we moved to Laguna. I remember we got a small apartment on top of the hill. It wasn’t much but it was more about being there with her. And every weekend, we would go look at open houses, see the city, meet the people, go to the beach, and visit the 5-star resorts and enjoy the spectacular views. The key was, I got all my senses involved. From seeing the places, smelling the ocean and the fresh cut grass on the golf course, to feeling the ocean air against our faces when we drove, to hearing the peace and quiet of the neighborhoods. Later on, when we wanted to get married, we rented a nice mansion to live in with a big back yard so we could have our wedding there. It was beautiful and probably seeing Azy’s smile and spending that day with all our friends and family is one of the most memorable and happiest days of my life. 

The point here is I got all my senses involved to a point I started tricking my mind into believing that I belong there! 

So, once I got a little bit more money, as in, I moved into a two-bedroom apartment just so we can be there and get my mind more familiar with the belonging there! In the meantime, every Sunday, we would go look at open houses and see what was available, and again I can trick my mind into believing that we belong there! 

Because we did all these things every week, from open houses to visiting the resort, it became familiar to my mind! 

The best Way to implement this hack is to get all of your senses involved with touching your dream, touch, taste, smell, and hearing, all of them! The more you do it, the more familiar it becomes, and a part of your brain tricks it into believing this is who you are! 

Then it becomes to where you can do that full-time someday! It moves from you touching your dreams, to making it a full-time reality! 

Quiet, Listen, and See Hack – Tim Storey – How to discover what your dreams are – There are three steps when it comes to listening to find out what your dreams are so you can pursue them! The first one is quiet! Second one is hearing and the third one is Seeing. Start with a place where it’s quiet so you can be able to get what it is that you truly want! This is the first place to start, so it’s quiet enough where you start being able to hear. Your dream has a voice and if you listen, you’ll hear it and you’ll know this is what you were made to do!

I started hearing voices that said Tim, you were made to make movies, to be a coach, and It wasn’t until I started being quiet and hearing that I knew what path I needed to go. From then it comes to seeing, which is where the visualization will take me. So, it’s important to get quiet, go inward, and let the vision speak. Then visualize and see outwards and make that dream into reality! The visualizations that should only come after you’ve been quiet, and you listen to let your dreams speak to you. Then you can focus outward and make it happen! 

Destiny Hack – Kris V – How to find your destiny – Your destiny is in your people. It’s only when we find our people that we can fulfill our purposes. The truth is, our purpose lies in our people! 

In a way that’s hard to explain; Jesus was forming in me and I was coming alive inside. My vision grew out of the people I was called to be in community with. 

We are the body of Christ. If I am the finger, I need to connect with a hand. If I’m an eye, I need to find the place in the head. I simply can’t find the ultimate destiny without my God-given place in the body. Ruth stays with Naomi. Ends up marrying Boaz and becoming grandfather to David. She stayed because Ruth was her people and who she was meant to serve! So, it’s an understatement to say that finding our people and living in covenant has eternal consequences. Before Saul could change into another man, he had to meet the prophet before becoming the King of Israel. Why? It was so he could change into the man he needed to be. Saul had to meet his people so he could fulfill his destiny. So, the question to ask yourself is who are you hanging with? Show me your friends and I’ll show you your destiny. 

And in the book Good to Great, Jim Collins said that in order to build a company that will last, you will have to get an organization with the right people to make sure you have the great success! Surround yourself with the people you want to associate with and serve and you’ll be able to discover your destiny! 

How to Generate Luck Hack – Qi Lu – former VP of Microsoft – Luck is kind of like a bus coming down to your corner every single day. You may not have the right fare or preparedness the first time, but that doesn’t mean it won’t come again, and next time when you’re prepared you can catch that ride! But It will keep coming back and back again until you have the right fare and right schedule! 

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