Have Online Reviews Radically Changed the Shopping Power of People?


Customer online reviews are important to shoppers? 90% and more consumers read online reviews as a practice before indulging in any purchase. Besides 88% trust the reviews online as personal recommendations. Easy access to websites has made people cling to reviews online for almost everything.

The fact is that there are more than 550 million internet users all over India. The interconnectivity with the devices has contributed to the growth in India and it is at a brisk rate. More than 629 million are mobile users connecting the world online and touching the economy of India, thus the nation stays well-connected.

Interconnectivity has changed the pattern and style of finding information. The online review websites are regarded as trustworthy is apparent. Now people value the opinions that the review websites offer. It becomes clear through the feedback received and by the seeking out recommendations.  People are inclined towards independent reviewers such as revexpo.com, before shelling their cash out. The online space does not belong to anyone like in the past. It has to pop up platforms and review websites to support Indian buyers in choosing everything, be it a TV service provider or a Birthday gift.

Increased popularity

The increased popularity online today is because user-generated reviews and platforms are covering every day general product information. Even megastores such as Flipkart and Amazon have online reviews from buyers. There are fake providers who will provide a 5-star rating for money and beware of amazon and Flipkart fake reviews.

It reveals that when there is a market, you can be assured there will be review sites.  Internet users embrace online reviews. It is because it provides insights as per region and there are specific reviews found in India. The data availability offers deeper knowledge and has resulted in increased popularity and a fast-expanding market.

Business impact

Sharing and seeking opinions is a very old practice as word-to-mouth. Now internet access has changed the seeking opinion style into online reviews. As a result, people do not mind spending more time and covering extra miles researching. It has helped customers in staying connected.

The businesses also find online to be helpful as they use the websites to inform the new coming deals or offers. They provide users with the latest details. Thus, the arduous process is now simplified through voice online which helps to reach consumers and receive instant feedback. Buyers get a chance to submit reviews and access that the e-commerce Indian market by 2023 will surpass 93 billion dollars.

Importance of online reviews

Online reviews are now a reference point all over India for the buyers as it makes buying decisions easier. A few reasons for the importance of online review websites in India include:

  • A major driver. Online reviews are first checked out by almost 90% before indulging in a purchase. It makes online reviews a major commerce driver.
  • High motivation. The online reviews revexpo.com are based on trust and the respondents give personal recommendations. It works as a high motivation to trust strangers and to get positive reviews.
  • Increased sales. The sales increases with online reviews. It applies globally and also operates locally. People do not mind spending more on positive reviews.
  • Star ratings. It is based on reviews amassed from other sources and it helps in the shopping of approved companies. Thus, online reviews increase market sales for participating brands.
  • Positive reviews. Nearly 72% of people interact only on positive review brands that it becomes essential to get positive online reviews. Even the negative reviews can be addressed such that the user gives positive feedback in reply.
  • Clarity of picture. The online reviews give a clear understanding of what the customers anticipate. Thus, the relationship between customers and the brand keeps growing continuously.
  • Boost SEO. Improving visibility is possible through positive reviews. With more people talking online about your brand, the visibility in the search engines is greater. Thus, the SEO experts find it a positive factor in ranking. People leaving reviews on popular sites come back to repeat business.


Q1. Is it advantageous to go through online review sites?

A:  The online review websites in India are advantageous as it:

  • Increases the potential conversion rate owing to improved confidence and trust.
  • Free content and ads on another website for your business.
  • Improved confidence and trust in your business results in an improvement in search engine result in rankings.

Q2. Going through online reviews is important for the company?

A: An essential part of product reviews is marketing and branding. It helps in creating loyalty and trust, thereby setting it apart. Today the online reviews convince customers and increase sales.

Q3. Why the reviews are important to users?

A: The reviews are important to the users as it helps in promoting the customer’s loyalty and users take note of positive reviews about a product. They come back when the need arises for the same product.

Q4. How to know if online reviews are real?

A: The websites are full of reviews. Yet if you see the repeated phrases or words coming in different reviews it means they are not real. They are instructed to write unreal reviews using the same phrases. You can also know by checking grammar and spelling.

Q5. How to handle negative reviews?

A: Correct the inaccuracies, be real, respond promptly, and ask constant customers to give their experiences.


The internet boom in India is breaking the barriers down to benefit the shoppers and all of us. Buyers are extremely empowered as they can access the reviews and also submit feedback and reviews.

The way a brand marketing is done is important. At the same time, having people talk on reviews about you and your product is a fascinating style of promoting your message. 

Encourage conversations on a positive note about your brand, clearly and quickly by improving marketing efforts. Thus, in this mixed message world, getting online reviews is the best way to single out your business in the market from your competitors.

Make the differentiation now!